§ 22.56.225. Group foster home.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Group foster homes are permitted as special uses in the following zone districts: RSR, SFL, MFM, SFM, MFH and NC.


    Minimum Conditions.


    The site must be landscaped in a manner compatible with the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood;


    No structural or decorative alteration which will alter the residential character of an existing residential structure used for a group foster home is permitted. Any new or remodeled structure must be designed to be compatible with the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood;


    Comply with all building, fire safety, health code and business licensing requirements;


    Lot size, setbacks and lot coverage conform to those applicable to the zoning district;


    The use must meet applicable design review guidelines in Section 22.43.060.

(Ord. 12032 § 54, 1999; Ord. 11500 § 37, 1997: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)