§ 22.56.230. Child day care center.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Child day care centers, as defined in Chapter 22.52, are permitted as a special use in the following zone districts: RSR, SFL, SFM, MFM, MFH, NC, and HI.


    Minimum Conditions.


    Meet Washington state child day care licensing requirements;


    Comply with all building, fire safety, health code and business licensing requirements;


    Lot size, setbacks and lot coverage conform to those applicable to the zoning district;


    Signage, if any, will conform to the requirements for the applicable zoning district;


    Parking requirements shall conform to Chapter 22.50 of this code;


    A fence at least four feet high must be installed around the play yards and shall conform to Chapter 22.46 of this title;


    The site must be landscaped in a manner compatible with the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood;


    No structural or decorative alteration which will alter the residential character of an existing residential structure used for a child care center is permitted. Any new or remodeled structure must be designed to be compatible with the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood.


    The use must meet applicable design review guidelines in Section 22.43.060.

(Ord. 12032 § 55, 1999; Ord. 11500 § 38, 1997: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)