§ 22.56.205. Automobile service stations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Automobile service stations are permitted as a special use in the following zone district: MU.


    Minimum conditions.


    Where adjacent to an existing residential use or a residential zone district, the automobile service station shall install and maintain in good condition a continuous fence, wall, berm, evergreen hedge, landscape planting or combination thereof so as to effectively provide a visual screen and noise buffer from the adjacent residential use or zone district.


    Where adjacent to an existing residential use or a residential zone district, gasoline storage and dispensing equipment, and automobile traffic areas, shall be located and screened so that they are not visible from the first story window level of contiguous residential uses.


    Lighting shall be directed downward and inward and be shielded so that it does not produce glare onto adjacent properties.

(Ord. 13040 Attach. E § 3 (part), 2003)