§ 22.56.050. General standards.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the specific standards set forth in this chapter with regard to particular special uses, all uses authorized as special uses shall meet the following standards:


    Plans, Regulations, Laws. The proposed use at the specified location shall comply with the Tumwater Joint Plan, and all applicable federal, state, regional, and Thurston County laws or plans.


    Underlying Zoning District. The proposed use shall comply with the general purposes and intent of the applicable zoning district regulations and subarea plans. Open space, lot, setback and bulk requirements shall be no less than that specified for the zoning district in which the proposed use is located unless specifically provided otherwise in this chapter.


    Location. No application for a special use shall be approved unless a specific finding is made that the proposed special use is appropriate in the location for which it is proposed. This finding shall be based on the following criteria:


    Impact. The proposed use shall not result in substantial or undue adverse effects on adjacent property, neighborhood character, natural environment, traffic conditions, parking, public property or facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare. However, if the proposed use is a public facility or utility deemed to be of overriding public benefit, and if measures are taken and conditions imposed to mitigate adverse effects to the extent reasonably possible, the permit may be granted even though said adverse effects may occur.


    Services. The use will be adequately served by and will not impose an undue burden on any of the improvements, facilities, utilities, or services existing or planned to serve the area.

(Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)