§ 22.46.030. Fences—Height restrictions.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Residential Zones.


    Front yard: forty-two inches maximum height. On corner lots, fences shall be limited to thirty-six inches in height for a distance of fifteen feet from the intersection of the property lines abutting the street, and to forty-two inches in height for the remainder of the front yards facing on both streets; except that fences may be permitted to a maximum height of seventy-eight inches from the ground in the front and/or side yard on a flanking street if the portion above thirty-six inches is composed of open work in such a manner that eighty percent of any portion is open to light and air;

    On through lots, a seventy-eight inch fence may be allowed in one of the front yards by the director, provided the following conditions can be met: (a) the fence will be located in the yard on the back side of the structure; (b) there is no street access from the end of the lot where the fence will be located; (c) the addition of the fence will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in terms of view, light, and air; nor injurious to traffic safety; (d) the fence will not appear obtrusive when compared to the rest of the block face on which it will be placed.


    Side yards: seventy-eight inches;


    Rear yards: seventy-eight inches.


    Commercial and/or Industrial Zones.

    Front yard: forty-two inches maximum height. On corner lots, fences shall be limited to thirty-six inches in height for a distance of fifteen feet from the intersection of the property lines abutting the street, and to forty-two inches in height to the remainder of the front yards facing on both streets, except that fences may be permitted to a maximum height of seventy-eight inches from the ground in the front yard and/or side yard on a flanking street if the portion above thirty-six inches is composed of open work in such a manner that eighty percent of any portion is open to light and air. There is no maximum fence height limitation on fences located on the side or rear property lines.


    Diagram 22.46.030 illustrates subsections A and B of this section.


    Fencing for energy facilities such as substations, switching stations and natural gas gate stations and for utility facilities shall satisfy fence height restrictions described in this section or, in lieu thereof, the utility may submit an alternative plan for review and approval by the director.

    (Ord. 12761 § 83, 2002; Ord. 11669 § 1 (part), 1998: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)

    (Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012)

    Diagram 22.46.030
