§ 22.40.035. Exterior illumination.  

Latest version.
  • These regulations apply to outdoor artificial light sources, including lights on the exterior of buildings or other structures, installed underneath canopies, pole-mounted, freestanding and ground lights, as well as nonresidential interior lights.


    For the purposes of regulating lighting in this section and elsewhere in this title, the following terms shall be defined as stated:


    "Business-zoned property" means any property zoned NC, MU, GC, CD, BP, GB, OS, LI, and HI.


    "Foot-candle" means a measure of illuminance (or light intensity) on a surface equal to one lumen per square foot.


    "Fully shielded fixture" means exterior lighting that is shielded or constructed so that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running through the lowest part of the fixture as determined by a photometric test or certified by the manufacturer.


    "Glare" means an intensity of light that due to the brightness of the light source diminishes the observer's ability to see, and in extreme cases may cause visual discomfort or momentary blindness.


    "Light trespass" means the light emanating from one property (measured at the property line) intruding onto an adjacent property or public right-of-way.


    "Lumen" means a unit of classification used to quantify the amount of light energy produced by a lamp. Lumen output of most lamps is listed on the packaging. For example, a sixty-watt incandescent lamp produces approximately eight hundred fifty lumens while a fifty-five-watt low-pressure sodium lamp produces approximately eight thousand lumens.


    "Opaque" means not allowing light to pass through; not transparent or translucent.


    "Partially shielded" means the luminaire incorporates a translucent barrier, the "partial shield" around the lamp that allows some light to pass through the barrier while concealing the lamp from the viewer.


    "Residential-zoned property" means any property zoned RSR, SFL, SFM, MFM, and MFH.


    "Translucent" means allowing light to pass, but diffusing it such that the light source cannot be distinguished.


    Exterior Lighting Standards. Exterior artificial light sources shall conform to the following requirements:


    Light fixtures shall be used in a manner such that light is directed downward, and not outward or upward.


    Light fixtures shall be fully shielded.


    Fixtures on business-zoned properties that are mounted to the underside of structures such as canopies, awnings, etc. (such as those found at gas stations, drive-through facilities, service stations, and parking structures) shall be flush mounted to the canopy so that the lens does not protrude below the surface to which it is mounted. In instances where the canopy is not thick enough to accommodate a flush-mount fixture, a fully shielded fixture may be utilized and mounted to the surface.


    Exterior lighting shall not blink, flash, fluctuate, be intermittent, or change color or intensity.


    Illuminated signs and advertising devices shall also comply with provisions of Sections 22.44.080 and 22.44.170. Where conflict occurs, the more stringent standards shall apply.


    Parking lot lighting shall also comply with provisions in Section 22.50.060. Where conflict occurs, the more stringent standards shall apply.


    Exterior lighting on business-zoned properties shall be turned off at the close of business or ten p.m., whichever is later. However, lighting which is necessary for after business hours work by employees and lighting that is necessary for security systems to function properly may be utilized at any time provided the lighting is the minimum necessary and is turned off when it is no longer needed or being used.


    Light trespass shall comply with the provisions of subsection D of this section.


    Illumination of government flags is allowed provided the light fixtures are equipped with shields and louvers to control the beam spread and to prevent light trespass and glare.


    Low voltage landscape lighting (thirty volts or less) is allowed provided it is partially shielded (upward-oriented spot/flood lights are not allowed) and does not violate the light trespass standards of subsection D of this section. Rope-style lighting of any voltage is also allowed for residential properties provided it meets the light trespass standards of subsection D of this section.


    Application Required.


    A basic lighting plan shall be submitted along with building permit applications that involve the installation or replacement of exterior lighting. The basic lighting plan shall include, but not be limited to, descriptions, illustrations, or photos of the types of lighting fixtures to be installed, a statement or description of how the fixtures comply with the regulations, and descriptions or depictions of the locations of the proposed lighting fixtures. The basic lighting plan shall also include statements that the applicant will design their project to comply with the exterior lighting regulations, and the applicant will make any changes necessary to come into compliance with the regulations before their occupancy permit is issued. The basic lighting plan must be signed by the applicant(s) or their authorized agent(s).


    For nonresidential development proposals that are four thousand square feet or larger, the director (or his/her designee) may require a photometric lighting plan instead of the basic lighting plan. The photometric plan, application, and a fee as specified by the most current fee resolution adopted by the Thurston County Board of Commissioners shall be submitted along with a building permit application. The photometric lighting plan must specify how the project lighting, including both freestanding and building-mounted lighting, complies with the applicable requirements of the Thurston County Code including this chapter. The photometric lighting plan shall also include the requirements listed for the basic lighting plan as shown in subsection (C)(1) of this section. Where requirements overlap or conflict, the more stringent shall apply.


    Light Trespass. All light fixtures used on a premises shall be installed and maintained to prevent light trespass, measured at the property line of the originating property (light source), that exceeds one-tenth foot-candle illuminating adjacent to residential-zoned property or one-half foot-candle illuminating adjacent to business-zoned property or public rights-of-way.


    Exceptions. The restrictions on exterior lighting in subsections B, C and D of this section shall not apply to:


    Light fixtures on structures listed in the Thurston County, or Washington State, or National historic registers (as defined in TCC Chapter 2.106) that are important in defining the overall historic character of the structure or building.


    Projection equipment for outdoor movie theaters and outdoor movie events.


    Security floodlights with motion detectors and daytime cutoffs that comply with the light trespass standards of subsection D of this section; provided, that the duration of activation by the motion sensor does not exceed sixty seconds. Light trespass at the property line may be diminished to acceptable levels by using lower wattage bulbs, downward and inward orientation, opaque or translucent shielding, or combinations thereof.


    Seasonal decorations illuminated no longer than sixty days.


    Lights on moving vehicles.


    Sports field lighting.


    Navigation lights (such as airports, heliports, or tower lighting required by the Federal Aviation Administration).


    Temporary emergency lighting (such as fire, police, repair workers).


    Traffic control signals and devices.


    Exterior lighting approved by the director for temporary or periodic events (e.g., special events, nighttime construction, etc.). Searchlights, lighting displays lasting longer than seven days in any calendar year, and any lighting displays that cause any direct glare into or upon any building other than the building to which the display may be related are all prohibited.


    Light sources lawfully installed prior to the effective date of these regulations.


    Public streetlights are exempt only from the light trespass standards of subsection D of this section.

(Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § AH), 11-29-2016)