§ 22.44.080. Prohibited signs.  

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  • The following signs are prohibited:


    Signs which are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic-control device or which hides from view any traffic or street sign or signal, or which obstructs the view in any direction at a street or road intersection;


    Signs which purport to be, or are, an imitation of, or resemble an official traffic sign or signal, and which bear the words, "stop," "caution," "danger," "warning," or similar words;


    Signs which contain or consist of spinners, strings of light bulbs, blinking or fluctuating lights, or other similar or moving devices, except public service signs, or changing message center signs which show time and temperature only;


    Signs which are pasted or attached to any traffic control device, county owned or maintained such as signs or posts, utility boxes, traffic signal, signal control box, street lights, street light poles, or any utility poles, trees, other signs, rocks, or other natural features;


    Any sign which is not permanently anchored or affixed to the ground, structure or building, and which does not permanently identify or contain the name of the service or business on whose property the sign is located, excepting signs which also serve as a point-of-purchase sign, but including any sign displayed on an abandoned vehicle or trailer. This regulation shall not be deemed to prohibit temporary noncommercial signs, advertising on moving vehicles on public streets, unless such advertising is located on an advertising vehicle;


    Signs erected upon, against or directly above the roof or on top of or above the parapet of a building, or located on any portion of a parapet which is located more than twenty-four inches higher than the main roofline of a building. For the purposes of this section, the face of a mansard roof or fascia shall not be considered to be a part of the roof;


    Signs which are the primary use of the land on which they are located, except those allowed under this chapter, except also those allowed by special use permit;


    Any sign or illumination that causes any direct glare into or upon any building other than the building to which the sign may be related;


    Signs, except those of an official nature, which are located upon or projecting over public streets, sidewalks or rights-of-way;


    Signs which are attached to fences, except those signs erected in conformance with TCC Section 22.44.070H; and


    Freestanding signs which are greater than thirty feet in height.

    (Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)

(Ord. No. 15637 , § 1(Att. C, § VI), 6-26-2018)