§ 24.40.050. Review criteria.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to any review criteria required for State Environmental Policy Act reviews in Chapter 17.09 TCC, or any other required permit reviews, the approval authority shall approve, or approve with conditions, the critical area review permit if:


    The critical area review permit is consistent with the requirements, purposes, and intent of this title, and other requirements of the Thurston County Code; and


    The requested development activity is consistent with the goals and policies of the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan; and


    The requested development activity results in no net loss of the functions and values of critical areas as defined in this title. If the approval authority determines that it is necessary, the proposal shall include a mitigation plan consistent with this title and credible scientific evidence as determined by the director. Mitigation measures shall address any impacts and shall occur on-site first, or if necessary, off-site.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)