§ 24.35.370. Wetlands—Critical area report.  

Latest version.
  • Applicants for projects that do not qualify under TCC 24.35.360 shall submit a report and accompanying plan/data sheets containing, at a minimum, the information specified in this section.


    Preparation by a Qualified Professional. Certified professional wetland scientists or non-certified professional wetland scientists with a minimum of five years experience in the field of wetland science, including experience preparing wetland reports, shall prepare wetland critical area reports. The wetland report shall be signed and dated by the primary author.


    Maps. The report shall contain a vicinity map with detailed driving instructions to the subject site and site map setting forth the following, as applicable:


    A north arrow and scale.


    Property lines, rights-of-way, and easements.


    All existing physical features including, but not limited to, buildings, fences and other structures, roads, parking lots, utilities, and water bodies.


    The location of wetlands and associated buffers on-site, consistent with TCC 24.30.020. The wetland boundaries shall be staked and flagged. A professional land surveyor shall survey the wetland boundary after the approval authority has determined that it is located correctly. The final wetland and buffer delineations shall be submitted to the approval authority in a format acceptable to the resource stewardship department.


    Wetlands and buffers off-site within three hundred feet of the site boundaries in as much detail as possible.


    Topographic contours at two-foot intervals.


    Patterns and direction of surface water movement and known subsurface water movement into, through, and out of the site.


    A depiction of the proposed activity or use and other proposed modifications to the site, including grading and clearing limits and proposed stormwater management facilities, including outlets.


    Identification of areas where proposed impacts to the wetland and buffer would occur, the size of the impacted wetland and buffer in square feet, and discussion of potential impacts, including any anticipated hydro period alterations.


    The wetland boundary, wetland buffer, and all critical area tracts and easements on the subject site shall be identified on all grading, landscaping, site, utility or other development plans submitted for the project.


    Text. The report shall contain the following information, as applicable:


    The applicant's name and contact information;


    The name, qualifications, and contact information for the primary report author(s);


    A description of the proposal;


    Identification of all the local, state, and federal wetland related permit(s) required for the project;


    The site address and tax parcel number;


    General site conditions and size;


    Identification and characterization of all wetlands and buffers on-site and within three hundred feet of the site proposed for development. If the affected property owner does not grant access to the area within three hundred feet of the project site, the wetland scientist shall estimate the site conditions using the best available information;


    For each wetland on-site, the wetland's hydrogeomorphic classification, category, and function scores, consistent with the Wetland Rating System for Western Washington, the recommended wetland buffer, consistent with TCC 24.30.035—24.30.065, and the rationale;


    Documentation of any fieldwork performed on the site such as field data sheets for delineations and functional assessments;


    A hydrological analysis, including existing surface and known sub-surface flows into and out of the subject wetland(s), the location and condition of inlet/outlets (if they can be legally accessed), estimated water depths within the wetland, and estimated hydroperiod patterns based on visual cues such as algal mats, drift lines, and flood debris;


    Identification and evaluation of all wetland and buffer functions at the subject site (e.g., removing sediment, excess nutrients and pollutants from water; storing floodwater; moderation of stormwater impacts; providing cover, refuge, foraging and breeding habitat for fish and wildlife; sustaining sensitive plant species; and providing shade that moderates water temperature and produces micro-climate effects), consistent with Ecology's Wetland Rating System for Western Washington;


    A description of the proposed use or activity's potential direct or indirect impacts to the wetland(s), associated buffer(s) and related functions, including stormwater-related impacts to wetland hydrology; and the size of the impacted area;


    Demonstration of compliance with applicable provisions of this chapter.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)