§ 24.35.230. Frequently flooded areas—Topographic survey.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    An applicant shall submit a topographic survey when development on the subject property lies within the one-hundred-year floodplain of any river, lake, wetland or marine waters within Thurston County pursuant to Chapter 14.38 TCC, as amended; or within a high ground water hazard area/NDZ/RDZ; or in a one-hundred-year channel migration hazard area. The survey shall indicate the one-hundred-year floodplain elevation above mean sea level of the site or BFE, as applicable (see Chapter 24.03 and TCC 24.20.015) and the location and first floor elevation of any proposed structures as required by TCC 14.38, as amended or above the BFE consistent with TCC 24.20.015—24.20.035.


    Where elevation data is not available from the flood insurance rate maps a licensed surveyor shall establish an approximate flood elevation based upon other sources of information as described in TCC 14.38.040, as amended.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)