§ 24.35.150. Geologic hazards—Additional requirements for geologic assessments in erosion hazard areas.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to the requirements in TCC 24.35.130, the following shall be required for geologic assessments in erosion hazard areas, as specified:


    The geological assessment shall be prepared by a geotechnical professional, such as an engineering geologist or geotechnical engineer, who is experienced and licensed to assess erosion hazard areas.


    The geological assessment shall be submitted in the form of a geotechnical letter when the geotechnical professional finds that no erosion hazard area exists within two hundred feet of the development proposal site. A geotechnical letter shall, at a minimum, include the following:


    The letter shall be labeled identifying the submittal as an "erosion hazard geotechnical letter" and shall include all mandatory elements listed in TCC 24.35.130.


    The geological assessment shall be submitted in the form of a geotechnical evaluation when the geotechnical professional finds that an erosion hazard area exists, but is located more than two hundred feet away from the proposed project area, and in their opinion, will not impact the subject site. A geotechnical evaluation shall, at a minimum, include the following:


    The cover letter for the document shall clearly identify the submittal as an "erosion hazard geotechnical evaluation" and shall include all mandatory elements listed in TCC 24.35.130.


    A site plan, as defined in TCC 24.35.130(H)(9).


    The geological assessment shall be submitted in the form of a geotechnical report when the geotechnical professional finds that 1) an erosion hazard area exists within two hundred feet of the proposed project area, or 2) an erosion hazard area is located more than two hundred feet away from the proposed project area, but in their opinion, will impact the subject site. A geotechnical report shall, at a minimum, include the following:


    The cover letter for the document shall clearly identify the submittal as an "erosion hazard geotechnical report" and shall include all mandatory elements listed in TCC 24.35.130.


    A description of the surface and subsurface geology, hydrology, soils, and vegetation on the site; conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development; assessments and conclusions regarding the stability or instability of the site for the existing conditions and the developed conditions over the life of the project.


    A detailed description of any previous grading activity, soil instability, or slope failure.


    A site plan, as defined in TCC 24.35.130(H)(9).

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)