§ 24.30.390. Wetlands—Vegetation removal—Invasive species.  

Latest version.
  • When removing invasive species, removal of native vegetation within wetlands and buffers shall be prohibited, and shall be in compliance with all of the criteria below. Also see TCC 24.30.150.


    Plant removal shall be performed such that it will not cause significant damage to untargeted vegetation, impair water quality or any wetland or buffer function.


    Activity that would expose more than one hundred square feet of soil within one hundred feet of the wetland shall require submission of a plan for county approval that identifies the proposed plant removal and site restoration consistent with the provisions of this section. The method of vegetation removal must be approved in writing by the Thurston County Resource Stewardship Department, consistent with this section and all applicable county, state, and federal regulations prior to initiation of any such vegetation removal.


    Hand tools shall be used for plant removal unless the approval authority determines that the scale of the project warrants use of small scale equipment (e.g., riding mowers or light mechanical cultivating equipment) or other method (i.e., application of herbicide with a state and federally approved formulation by a licensed applicator in accordance with the safe application practices on the label) and use of the equipment/method does not pose a significant risk to untargeted areas, habitat functions, or water quality.


    Erosion shall be effectively controlled and exposed areas shall be stabilized immediately following plant removal consistent with the Chapter 15.05 TCC. If the area of exposed soil exceeds one hundred square feet and lies within one hundred feet of a wetland, it shall be planted with appropriate native plants at a density that will provide complete ground cover at maturity, unless the approval authority determines that the area will revegetate naturally without jeopardizing water quality or wetland and buffer functions.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)