§ 24.30.350. Wetlands—Vegetation removal—Tree removal.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Hazard Trees. The county may authorize limbing, thinning or removal of hazard trees located in the wetland or buffer provided that compliance with all of the criteria below can be met:


    The county may require the applicant to submit a report from a certified arborist or professional forester that documents the hazard. If such a report is required, the arborist shall recommend suitable replacement trees for any trees that are removed pursuant to this subsection.


    Tree cutting is limited to limbing or crown thinning in compliance with Tree Care Industry Association (formerly the National Arborist Association) pruning standards, unless the tree has a disease that would jeopardize the survival of other trees, or felling the tree is otherwise justified by the landowner/expert. Where limbing or crown thinning is not sufficient to eliminate the hazard, disease-free trees shall be pushed over into the wetland buffer. Snags shall be left in place to provide habitat unless a communicable disease or invasive pest that threatens adjacent habitat is present.


    All vegetation severed from the tree shall be left within the buffer unless removal is warranted due to the presence of invasive pests or potential for disease transmittal to healthy vegetation.


    Hazard tree removal in wetlands shall be mitigated as required by this chapter. At minimum, mitigation shall include replacement with native tree species at a ratio of 3:1 for each tree removed. The replacement trees shall have a minimum fifteen-gallon pot size, a height of four feet, and be three years old. Additional mitigation may be required based on site conditions, habitat type and wetland functions as determined by the resource stewardship director. The applicant may be required to submit reports for maintenance and monitoring of planted vegetation at the discretion of the director.


    Forest Practices. Harvesting of trees under an approved Class II or Class III forest practices permit is not subject to this chapter.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)