§ 24.30.330. Wetlands—Wells—New.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    New individual and community wells serving approved uses shall only be allowed within the outer twenty-five percent of buffers of Category II—IV wetlands if there is not sufficient buildable area on the property outside the buffer to accommodate the well, as determined by the approval authority. Well houses are not permitted in wetlands and buffers. Also see Article III of the Rules and Regulations of the Thurston County Board of Health Governing Water Supplies, as amended, and Chapter 24.50 TCC.


    Access to wells approved within buffers shall be by a pervious trail no more than four feet in width unless the approval authority determines that it is necessary to provide vehicular access to a community well. In that case, the approval authority may authorize an unimproved access of minimal width (no greater than ten feet) to provide access for maintenance vehicles. Mitigation for impacts to wetland buffers may be required, including increased buffers in adjacent areas or enhanced vegetation.


    Maintenance of the trail/access road shall not involve the use of herbicides or other hazardous materials.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)