§ 24.30.270. Wetlands—Road replacement and minor expansion.
Existing roads and driveways constructed prior to July 24, 2013 may be repaired, replaced or widened (e.g., for safety improvements) within the footprint of the existing road bed and in portions of the right-of-way that have been previously cleared or graded as part of permitted road work, consistent with state and federal regulations, provided that all of the following criteria are met:
Capacity. The capacity of the road is not increased;
Minimize impact. No wetlands are filled or degraded, except as provided for in this chapter. When possible, given physical and technical constraints, road widening shall occur on the side of the road furthest from the wetland. In the event other critical areas are present, the approval authority, in consultation with others with expertise, shall determine where the proposed road expansion would have the least impact on the critical areas; and
Expansion limits. Such road expansion does not extend beyond the outer edge of existing roadside ditches, or encroach into areas that are predominately covered with native vegetation. In no case shall a road expansion authorized pursuant to this section extend more than ten feet beyond the existing roadbed. Only one minor expansion shall be allowed per road segment pursuant to this section.
(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14961, § 5(Att. E), 12-17-2013)