§ 24.30.210. Wetlands—Landscaping and gardening—Maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • Maintenance of legally existing landscaping and gardening for personal consumption is permitted within existing gardens and new gardens located within the portion of a buffer approved for residential development pursuant to this chapter (see also Chapter 24.50 TCC) subject to the standards listed in this section.


    Clearing or tree removal to accommodate gardens or lawns shall not be permitted in the wetland, wetland buffer, or outside of the portion of the site authorized for development pursuant to this chapter;


    Integrated pest management practices shall be used for pest control;


    Best management practices shall be used for fertilization and weed control;


    The approval authority may require other protective measures as necessary to maintain water quality and protect wildlife; and


    For landscaping in areas larger than one acre, see TCC 24.30.190.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)