§ 24.30.110. Wetlands—Boat launching ramps, piers, docks and floats.  

Latest version.
  • Boat launching ramps, piers, docks and floats are prohibited in estuarine wetlands and Category I wetlands. They may be permitted in lakes with Category II, III and IV wetlands consistent with the Shoreline Master Program for the Thurston Region, as amended, consistent with TCC 24.25.110, and all of the following:


    New Docks, Floats and Piers. Floating docks, floats and piers in lakes may be permitted in Category II, III or IV wetlands and buffers where the lake fringe wetland vegetation is less than sixteen feet wide. When possible, the dock/float/pier shall be located where there is a natural gap in the wetland vegetation that does not require access maintenance. No treated wood or other hazardous material shall be used in the construction of the dock, float or pier or placed in, over, or beside (within one hundred feet) of the water.


    Boat Launches. Public boat launches may only be permitted in lake fringe wetlands and buffers if there is no existing public access to the lake, and if there is no alternative location outside of the wetland or buffer to accommodate the boat launch. When possible, the boat launch shall be located where there is a natural gap in wetland vegetation. Parking areas, restrooms and other facilities related to boat launches shall be located outside of the wetland and/or wetland buffer. The facility shall be designed to minimize direct, untreated stormwater runoff from the site into the wetland.


    Maintenance. Maintenance of legally established piers, docks, floats and boat launches is allowed provided that neither the width nor the length of the dock, pier, float, or boat launch is increased and hazardous materials are not used, except as provided for through a county approved Integrated Pest Management Plan or upon demonstration that the material does not pose a risk to water quality.


    Replacement. Legally established boat launching ramps, piers, floats, and docks may be replaced provided they are not increased in length or width and the construction materials comply with the requirements for new ramps, piers, floats, and docks, as applicable. See the Shoreline Master Program, as amended, for other regulations that apply in shoreline jurisdiction.


    For the purposes of this section, floats shall include, but are not limited to: floating docks, mooring buoys, navigational aids and swimming floats.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)