§ 24.30.085. Wetlands—Standards and allowable uses and activities within wetlands and associated buffers.  

Latest version.
  • The land uses and activities listed in Table 24.30-4 are allowable in wetlands and associated buffers as specified in that table, subject to the standards of this title, the applicable zoning district, and the shoreline master program, as amended. Water dependent uses allowed by the shoreline master program are permitted subject to the requirements of that program and this chapter. Uses and activities inconsistent with the shoreline master program and all land uses and activities not allowed or addressed by Table 24.30-4 are prohibited within wetlands and associated buffers. The general standards listed in TCC 24.30.090 apply to all uses in Table 24.30-4. Standards provided in TCC 24.30.100—24.30.420 apply to specific uses in wetlands and their buffers, and are in addition to other requirements of this title. Table 24.30-4 contains the primary section references for each activity covered by this chapter.

    Table 24.30-4. Allowable Uses in Wetlands and Buffers and Related Restrictions

    Wetland Category
    Asphalt batch plants X X P P
    Boat launching ramps, docks, piers and floats - New, maintenance and replacement
    TCC 24.30.110
    X P P P
    Bridge or culvert maintenance or repair
    TCC 24.30.140
    P P P P
    Bridge or culvert replacement
    TCC 24.30.130
    P P P P
    Bridge or culvert - New construction
    TCC 24.30.280
    X X P P
    Clearing, grading, excavation, dredging or removal of soil, organic matter, or material in conjunction with a permitted activity
    TCC 24.30.150
    P P P P
    Critical facilities X X X X
    Destruction or alteration of wetland vegetation through shading, intentional burning, or planting of vegetation that would alter the character of the wetland that is not part of an activity approved under this chapter X X X X
    Draining or flooding a wetland or other activities that result in a significant change of water temperature, quality, physical or chemical characteristics (e.g., pH), quantity, timing, or duration of the water entering the wetland or altering the wetland's water level not addressed elsewhere in this table X X X X
    Drilling and testing for a required report or study, scientific sampling, research, or other site investigation using hand powered tools
    TCC 24.30.160
    A A A A
    Drilling and testing for required report or study, scientific sampling, research, or other site investigation using mechanized equipment
    TCC 24.30.160
    P P P P
    Emergency temporary authorization Refer to Chapter 24.90 TCC
    TCC 24.30.170
    P P P P
    Existing lots vested prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title - Development Refer to Chapter 24.50 TCC
    Fencing Refer to Chapter 24.60 TCC
    Filling, dumping, or discharging not associated with a permitted activity X X X X
    Forestry, except forest practices regulated by Chapter 76.09 RCW X X X X
    Gardens for personal consumption
    TCC 24.30.210
    A A A A
    Golf courses, parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, and expansive landscaped areas maintenance
    TCC 24.30.190
    P P P P
    Infiltration of reclaimed water (application to the land's surface above agronomic rates)*

    *Critical area regulations will be proposed when more information is available to Thurston County from the Regional Groundwater Recharge Scientific Study, and using other studies and information for reclaimed water following the requirements of the Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A RCW).
    X X X X
    Intensive uses that involve use or storage of hazardous materials or would generate excessive nutrients, sediments, or pollutants on property containing wetlands and/or buffers
    TCC 24.30.200
    P P A A
    Lawfully established existing uses not addressed in this table A A A A
    Mineral extraction - New and expanded operations
    TCC 24.30.220
    X X P P
    Mitigation required by the county
    TCC 24.30.070—24.30.080
    P P P P
    Nonconforming uses/structures - Maintenance, repair, alteration, expansion, replacement Refer to Chapter 24.50 TCC
    On-site sewage disposal system or drain field - Maintenance, repair, and replacement
    TCC 24.30.240
    P P P P
    On-site sewage disposal system or drain field within 300 feet of Category I bogs or Wetlands of High Conservation Value - New P P P P
    Open space (e.g., critical area tract) A A A A
    Public facility X X X X
    Public project of significant importance X X X X
    Recreation activities - Passive and low impact (e.g., bird watching, nonmotorized boating, bicycling, canoeing, fishing, hiking, hunting, jogging, photography, and similar activities)
    TCC 24.30.250
    A A A A
    Recreation facilities, trails, and trail-related facilities - New construction
    TCC 24.30.250, 24.30.260
    P P P P
    Recreation - Swimming and fishing access
    TCC 24.30.250, 24.30.260
    P P P P
    Recreation facilities - Active (e.g., athletic fields, playgrounds, golf courses, parks, day camps, and camping sites)
    TCC 24.30.260
    X X X X
    Roads - Replacement and minor expansion
    TCC 24.30.270
    P P P P
    Roads - Expansion
    TCC 24.30.280
    P P P P
    Roads - New construction
    TCC 24.30.280
    X X P P
    Signs Refer to Chapter 24.60 TCC
    Slope stabilization or retaining wall
    TCC 24.30.290
    P P P P
    Stormwater conveyance system or detention/treatment facility - Maintenance and repair
    TCC 24.30.315
    P P P P
    Stormwater retention/treatment facilities, temporary sediment control ponds, and surface water conveyance systems - Construction
    TCC 24.30.300, 24.30.310
    P P P P
    Stream relocation
    TCC 24.30.090
    P P P P
    Subdivisions Refer to Chapter 24.55 TCC
    Utility service lines - New installation
    TCC 24.30.320
    P P P P
    Utility lines and facilities in existing rights-of-way - New installation
    TCC 24.30.320
    P P P P
    Utility transmission lines, utility corridors, and other facilities outside of existing improved roads and utility corridors - New construction
    TCC 24.30.320
    P P P P
    Vegetation removal - Enhancement projects
    TCC 24.30.380
    X P P P
    Vegetation removal - Noxious weeds
    TCC 24.30.400
    A A A A
    Vegetation removal - Invasive plants
    TCC 24.30.390
    P P P P
    Vegetation removal - Hazard trees
    TCC 24.30.350
    P P P P
    Vegetation removal - Aquatic weeds
    TCC 24.30.410
    P P P P
    Water dependent uses not specifically addressed in this table
    TCC 24.30.420
    X P P P
    Water elevation gages - Installation
    TCC 24.30.090
    A A A A
    TCC 24.30.330
    X P P P
    Wildlife blind or nesting structure
    TCC 24.30.090
    A A A A



    A = Allowed without a Critical Area Review Permit, subject to requirements of this title

    P = Permitted, subject to Critical Area Review Permit and requirements of this title

    X = Prohibited

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14785, § 1, 8-28-2012; Ord. No. 15291, § 1(Att. A), 5-10-2016)