§ 24.30.040. Wetland buffers—General standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Measurement. Buffer widths shall be measured on a horizontal plane outward from the outer edge of the wetland, established consistent with TCC 24.30.020, along a perpendicular line.





    Buffers on Created Wetlands. All wetlands created, as mitigation for wetland impacts, shall have buffers consistent with Table 24.30-1, as modified by TCC 24.30.055, based on the expected wetland category and function scores upon completion of the mitigation. The approval authority in consultation with a qualified wetland scientist shall make this determination.


    Buffers on Enhancement Sites. The approval authority may establish buffers for wetlands that were voluntarily enhanced or restored based on the wetland's pre-enhancement condition. Buffers shall remain in effect as long as the owner of the property at the time the county authorized the enhancement retains ownership. The approval authority may require that the wetland be rated prior to the enhancement or restoration. The resource stewardship department shall record the approved buffer width and any associated rating with the auditor on the property title.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)