§ 24.25.130. Bridge and culvert replacement.  

Latest version.
  • Replacement of a bridge or culvert is allowed if necessary to conform to current standards and if:


    It was lawfully established;


    There is not another alternative available that has less adverse impact on the important habitat or other critical areas;


    The bridge or culvert is designed to avoid or, where that is not possible, minimize impacts to the important habitat and it is in compliance, to the greatest extent possible, with TCC 24.25.280;


    In the case of culverts in a Type F or S stream, the culvert is made passable for fish in accordance with the WDFW Fish Passage Design at Road Culverts, 2003, as amended, and the National Marine Fisheries Service Guidelines for Salmonid Passage at Stream Crossings, 2000, as amended;


    If the culvert involves a ditch, the ditch is not increased in width at the culvert site unless it is narrower at that point than the rest of the ditch and would otherwise impede the flow of water. In that case, it may be widened to the minimum extent the approval authority deems necessary; and


    Flood hazards are avoided and the proposal is consistent with Chapter 24.20 TCC and other applicable regulations.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)