§ 24.25.110. Boat launching ramps, piers, docks and floats.  

Latest version.
  • Boat launching ramps, piers, docks and floats may only be permitted consistent with the Shoreline Master Program for the Thurston Region, as amended, applicable federal, state, and local laws, the requirements of this section, and other applicable provisions of this title. For the purposes of this section, "float" shall include, but is not limited to: floating docks, mooring buoys, navigational aids and swimming floats.


    Boat Ramp Spacing Along Type S and F Streams. Public and private boat launching ramps along Type S or F streams shall not be located closer than five miles (measured along the river) from another boat launching ramp along the stream that is accessible to the public. Boat launching ramps shall not be allowed in locations where the total number of existing boat ramps, road and surface utility corridor crossings, plus the proposed boat-launching ramp, would exceed two such encroachments per 0.6 mile (measured along the stream) in the affected stream segment. The approval authority may waive the spacing requirement if it is determined that the proposed location provides the least habitat impact of the available alternatives and that proposed mitigation measures will allow the project to occur without a net loss of riparian habitat area and stream functions.


    Boat Ramps Along Marine Shorelines. Boat launching ramps may only be permitted along marine shorelines upon demonstration of the following:


    Mitigation measures ensure that there is no net loss of the functions of intertidal habitat as a result of the proposed ramp, including no increased beach erosion or alteration of salmonid migration corridors;


    The proposed ramp will not adversely impact important habitat areas;


    The proposed ramp is not elevated and will be constructed to be flush with the elevation of the existing beach; and


    The ramp's footprint is the minimum necessary to accommodate the proposed use.


    Piers, Docks, and Floats. Piers, docks, mooring buoys, navigational aids and swimming floats are allowed subject to the following:


    Overwater Structures. Overwater and floating structures and associated moorings in marine waters shall be located a minimum of ten feet from any eelgrass (Zostera spp.) and designed to avoid shading eelgrass.


    Avoid Impacts to Spawning Beds and Eelgrass Beds. Docks, floats and rafts shall not ground on surf smelt, Pacific sand lance or herring spawning beds, or eelgrass (Zostera spp.). Flotation for the structure shall be fully contained to prevent the breakup or loss of the material.


    Toxic Substances. Only inert material or non-toxic treated wood approved by the county for use in water bodies shall be used in the construction of piers, ramps and floats and other structures proposed to be placed in, over, or within one hundred feet of water.


    Fill and Armoring. Fill and armoring shall not be used in the in the construction of piers, ramps, and floats.


    Vegetation. Loss and disturbance of existing vegetation shall be minimized, consistent with TCC 24.25.350—24.25.400.


    Impacts. The applicant shall demonstrate that the boat ramp, pier, dock, float and associated parking area and access, coupled with any proposed mitigation, will result in no net loss to salmonid spawning, rearing and migration areas or documented priority wildlife habitats.


    Related Facilities. Parking areas, restrooms and other facilities related to boat launches, piers, floats, and docks shall be located outside of riparian habitat areas, pond buffers, and marine riparian habitat areas. The facility shall be designed to minimize direct, untreated stormwater runoff from the site into the water body.


    Maintenance. Maintenance or replacement of piers, docks, mooring buoys, navigational aids, and swimming floats is permitted provided that hazardous materials are not used, except as provided for through a county approved integrated pest management plan or upon demonstration that the material does not pose a risk to water quality; and it does not involve an increase in the number of pilings or the overall width or length of the dock or pier.


    Replacement. Boat launching ramps, piers, floats, and docks may be replaced provided they are not increased in length or width and the construction materials comply with the requirements for new ramps, piers, floats, and docks, as applicable. If the facility is located in marine waters, the proposed deck surface area shall be reduced to the maximum extent practical from the existing deck surface in waters between three feet and thirteen feet deep at ordinary high water.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)