§ 24.20.140. Frequently flooded areas—Roads, bridges and culverts.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    New roads, bridges, and culverts shall be designed to minimize interruption of the downstream movement of wood and gravel, minimize fill, and allow passage of one-hundred-year flood flows and associated debris. Bridge piers and abutments shall not be placed in either the floodway or between the stream's ordinary high water marks unless there is no alternative placement, the placement results in zero increase in the backwater elevation or increase in downstream hazards during the one-hundred-year flood, and the placement minimizes habitat degradation. (See Chapter 24.25 TCC regarding road alignments in riparian habitat areas.)


    Clearing of culverts does not require a critical area permit, though state and federal permits may still be required. Clearing of culverts shall be limited to removal of sediment and debris from the culvert and its inlet, invert, and outlet.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)