§ 24.20.100. Frequently flooded areas—Fill.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    High Ground Water Flood Hazard Areas.


    No fill may be placed within a designated high groundwater flood hazard area or no development zone, except to the minimum extent necessary, as determined by the approval authority, to elevate existing access roads serving existing, developed lots to the base flood elevation. Any such fill material shall be stabilized consistent with TCC Section 14.38.050(A)(5).


    Fill may be used in the restricted development zone as follows:


    The approval authority may approve balanced cut and fill to the minimum extent necessary for construction of an approved use listed in Table 24.20-1, if a professional civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington demonstrates that the fill or grading will not block natural drainage or increase flood hazards on or offsite.


    Fill may be used to the minimum extent necessary, as determined by the approval authority, to construct a road to access essential public facilities or primary structures if no less damaging or hazardous alternative location exists for the access road outside of the restricted development zone. The access road's surface shall be constructed to an elevation equal to the base flood elevation.


    The approval authority may allow the road to be elevated up to two feet above the base flood elevation provided arched, bottomless culverts will be installed to allow passage of water and the applicant's professional civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington demonstrates that flooding will not be increased offsite or inundate structures.


    Fill material authorized pursuant to this section and any subsequent stabilization shall be such that the fill is stable during flooding, consistent with TCC Section 14.38.050(A)(5).


    Floodplain. The approval authority may only approve balanced cut and fill with compensatory flood storage within the 100-year floodplain, landward of the floodway, to the minimum extent necessary for construction of an approved use listed in Table 24.20-1 or to provide access to essential public facilities, if a qualified professional engineer licensed in the State of Washington and a qualified wildlife habitat biologist demonstrate that there is no other alternative method for constructing the proposed use and that such grading and filling will not block stream side channels, increase flood hazards, inhibit channel migration or degrade important habitats (see Chapter 24.25 TCC), and that the proposal meets the requirements of Chapter 14.38 TCC. Applications for balanced cut and fill with compensatory flood storage shall include a winter water study.


    Coastal Flood Hazard Areas. Fill for structural support of buildings is prohibited in coastal high hazard areas.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14961, § 5(Att. E), 12-17-2013)