§ 24.20.090. Frequently flooded areas—Clearing and grading.  

Latest version.
  • Clearing and grading within frequently flooded areas, channel migration hazard areas, and in the restricted development zone associated with high groundwater flood hazard areas is only allowed in conjunction with a use permitted pursuant to this chapter if it complies with all of the following:


    Clearing and grading are the minimum necessary to accommodate the permitted use, as determined by the approval authority.


    The soil duff layer shall remain undisturbed to the maximum extent practicable. In areas that are disturbed during construction but will not be covered by impervious surfaces, the moisture-holding capacity of the topsoil layer shall be maintained by minimizing soil compaction, by amending the soil with compost (consistent with TCC 24.20.100) or by stripping, stockpiling and reapplying the topsoil. Where feasible and appropriate, as determined by the approval authority, graded soil shall be redistributed to disturbed areas on the project site, provided it does not increase the flood elevation and complies with other applicable provisions of this chapter and Chapter 14.38 TCC.


    The clearing limits shall be marked with a temporary fence authorized by the County.


    Clearing and grading shall only occur between May 1 and September 30. The County may temporarily suspend grading during this period if excessive rainfall could cause erosion and sedimentation that would affect a wetland or water body. The County may allow clearing and grading outside of this period if all drainage will flow away from all potentially affected wetlands and water bodies, remain on site and the site is stabilized per Chapter 15.05 TCC.


    Clearing in channel migration hazard areas. See Chapter 24.25 TCC regarding clearing restrictions in riparian management zones.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)