§ 24.20.030. High groundwater flood hazard area—Delineation.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    High groundwater flood hazard areas shall be delineated through a critical area review permit.


    Applicants for development of an existing lot shall submit the base flood elevation, prepared by a licensed land surveyor, for review and approval of the director, consistent with TCC 14.38.040, as follows:


    The applicant's surveyor, in consultation with the director, shall stake and flag the recommended high ground water edge in the field based on the high ground water flood hazard areas map, topography, aerial photographs of flood events and other relevant factors.


    After the director accepts the staked and flagged high ground water edge, the surveyor shall depict the BFE, NDZ, and RDZ on the site plan submitted to the director for review and approval.

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)