§ 24.10.140. Hazardous materials.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Hazardous materials shall be used, handled, stored, and disposed of in accordance with the standards contained in this section, Chapter 14.32 TCC, International Fire Code, Article VI of the Thurston County Sanitary Code, and applicable state law (see RCW 70.105, Chapter 173-303 WAC).


    Operators of new and existing uses and activities that involve the use, handling, storage or generation of hazardous materials exceeding thresholds specified in the International Fire Code (2009), as amended, shall submit for county review and approval a hazardous materials management plan that demonstrates that the use or activity will not have an adverse impact on ground water quality. Notwithstanding the requirements of the International Fire Code, if the approval authority determines that the proposed use or activity poses a risk to ground water, they shall require submission of a hazardous materials management plan to protect ground water quality. Approved hazardous materials management plans shall be implemented. Hazardous materials management plans shall include, at a minimum, the information listed in TCC 24.35.045.


    Persons that possess liquid, soluble, or leachable hazardous materials shall contain such materials and the entire distribution system in a secondary containment device or system that will effectively prevent discharge on-site. Secondary containment may be achieved in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, use of sloping floors that provide capacity to contain spills or installation of a curb around the perimeter of the structure. (See Article VI of the Thurston County Sanitary Code, the Rules and Regulations Governing Nonpoint Source Pollution. Also see Chapters 15.54 and 17.21 RCW regarding pesticide storage. Refer to Chapter 14.32 TCC, International Fire Code, regarding seismic standards.)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 3(Att. B), 7-24-2012)