§ 22.56.280. Buildings or structures over permitted height restrictions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Overheight buildings or structures are permitted as special uses in certain zone districts as follows:


    High-rise residential buildings (five stories or more): CD, GC;


    Buildings higher than fifty feet: LI, HI, GC.


    Buildings higher than fifty feet or five stories: MU.


    Minimum conditions:


    Drawings shall be submitted illustrating, in both plan view and elevation, the shadows that would be cast by the proposed building or structure at noon on December 21st (winter solstice). No building or structure will be permitted that is shown by these drawings to cast a shadow onto any other property that is greater than the shadow that would be cast by a hypothetical building fifty feet in height on the south lot line of the shaded property. The solar setback of a proposed structure is calculated using the following formula:

    Solar setback = (H - M)/(0.40 + P)

    H = height (in feet of highest shade producing point of structure)
    M = maximum allowable height for buildings and structures in zoning district
    0.40 = tangent of sun altitude on December 21st
    P = north/south slope of lot (in percent)



    Exterior walls of the proposed building shall include windows whenever possible. Where the construction of a windowless wall is necessitated by adopted building codes, the exterior facing of the wall shall be articulated on each story of the building with architectural features such as cornices or other projections, recesses, different building materials, awnings, signs or other similar features that provide visual relief.


    The exterior of the building's ground floor shall be visually separated from upper floors through the use of architectural features such as awnings, cornices, distinct but compatible facade materials or lighting, or other similar methods.


    The site design for the proposed building or structure shall include an outdoor plaza, park or landscaped area that shall be designed and maintained for public use.

(Ord. 13040 Attach. D § 7 (part), 2003; Ord. 11928 § 2, 1999; Ord. 11804 § 146, 1998: Ord. 11500 § 44, 1997: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)