§ 22.56.180. Cemeteries.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Cemeteries are permitted as a special use in following zone districts: RSR, SFL, SFM, MFM, MFH, NC, LI and HI zones, except as permitted outright.


    Minimum Conditions.


    Site must be on or within three hundred feet of a major or secondary arterial;


    A forty-foot setback on front, side, and rear yards;


    Screening shall be provided along each property line and shall consist of a continuous fence, wall, evergreen hedge, landscape planting, or combination thereof, so as to effectively screen the property from immediate adjoining properties and public right-of-way. In cases where physical characteristics of the property make actual screening from adjoining parcels impossible or unreasonable, this requirement may be completely or partially waived by the hearing examiner. All shrubs, trees, fencing, etc., used in the landscaping and screening, shall be maintained in a healthy growing condition. Dead or dying plants shall be replaced as soon as possible. Planting areas shall be maintained reasonably free of weeds and trash. All landscaping planting materials shall not impair pedestrian or vehicular safety;


    Off-street parking of one space per each employee. Other cemetery related uses, such as mausoleums, crematoria, funeral homes, or other uses similar in nature, shall be considered separate uses and subject to the applicable provisions of this title. No off-street parking or loading areas shall be allowed in any required yard areas;


    Limitation on the hours of operation so as not to interfere with residential character of the neighborhood;


    No use of sound amplification or lighting equipment that would be audible or visible from adjacent property.

(Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)