§ 22.56.140. Neighborhood community centers.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A neighborhood community center is permitted as a special use in the following zone districts: RSR, SFL, SFM, MFM, and MFH.


    Minimum Conditions.


    The facility shall provide services of a social and cultural nature to the neighborhood in which is it located;


    Front, side and rear yard setbacks of sufficient distance, as determined by the hearing examiner, to provide noise and light separation from adjacent residential uses;


    Landscaping and screen planting in required yard areas of types, quantity and location, as prescribed by the hearing examiner, sufficient to provide noise and light separation from adjacent residential uses;


    Off-street parking of one space per each employee, plus additional space as determined by the hearing examiner, such off-street parking to be screened by landscaping from adjacent properties, and not located in any required yard area;


    Limitation on the hours of operation so as not to interfere with the residential character of the neighborhood;


    No use of sound amplification or lighting equipment that would be audible or visible from adjacent properties;


    The use must meet applicable design review guidelines in Section 22.43.060.

(Ord. 12032 § 51, 1999; Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)