§ 22.52.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this chapter, unless otherwise apparent from the context, certain words and phrase used in this chapter are defined as follows:

    "Child day care" means the provision of supplemental parental care and supervision:


    For a nonrelated child or children;


    On a regular basis;


    For less than twenty-four hours a day; and


    Under license by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.


    As used in this chapter, the term is not intended to include babysitting services of a casual, nonrecurring nature or in the child's own home. Likewise, the term is not intended to include cooperative, reciprocative child care by a group of parents in their respective homes.

    "Child day care center" means a person or agency that provides care for thirteen or more children during part of the twenty-four hour day.

    "Child day care facility" means a building or structure in which an agency, person, or persons regularly provide care for a group of children for periods of less than twenty-four hours a day. Child care facilities include family day care homes, child mini-day care centers, and child day care centers regulated by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, as presently defined and hereafter amended (Chapter 74.15 RCW, WAC 388-73-422).

    "Child mini-day care center" means a person or agency providing care during part of the twenty-four hour day to twelve or fewer children in a facility other than the family abode of the person or persons under whose direct care the children are placed.

    "Family child care home" means a facility in the family residence of the licensee providing regularly scheduled care for twelve or fewer children, with a birth through eleven-years-of-age range exclusively, for a period less than twenty-four hours.

(Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)