§ 22.50.080. On-street parking credit.  

Latest version.
  • Properties not exclusively residential and located adjacent to a public right-of-way where on-street parking is permitted may receive credit for one off-street parking stall for each twenty linear feet of abutting right-of-way available for parallel parking, and thirteen and three-tenths linear feet of abutting right-of-way available for diagonal parking; provided, that the public works director must approve a proposal for diagonal parking within the public right-of-way. This provision shall be applied for on-street parking on the same side of the street as the proposed land use, or on the opposite side of the street if the adjacent property does not have the potential for future development.

(Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § AJ), 11-29-2016)

Editor's note

Ord. No. Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § AJ), adopted Nov. 29, 2016, repealed the former § 22.50.080, and enacted a new § 22.50.080 as set out herein. The former § 22.50.080 pertained to administrative modification and derived from Ord. 11669 § 4(part), 1998; Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012.