§ 22.50.075. Modification of off-street parking space standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Minor Modifications. A modification to increase or decrease parking standards in Figure 22.50.070(A) by up to ten percent shall automatically apply at the request of the project applicant.


    Administrative Modifications. A modification to increase or decrease the parking standard in Figure 22.50.070(A) by ten percent to forty percent shall be considered by the county at the request of the project applicant.


    The criteria for an administrative modification request are set forth below:


    The project developer shall present all findings, evidence, and reports to the community development director prior to any final, discretionary approvals; e.g., site plan approval, environmental review, or any planning, building or engineering permits.


    Modification requests may be granted based on the effectiveness of proposed transportation demand management strategies, significance and magnitude of the proposed modification, and compliance with this chapter.


    Modification requests may be denied or altered if the community development director has reason to believe, based on experiences and existing development practices, that the proposed modification may lead to inadequate parking or may inhibit or prevent regular and intended functions of either the proposed or existing use, or adjacent uses.


    Submittal Requirements. A report shall be submitted by the applicant providing the basis for less parking and will include the following:


    For requests of up to twenty percent:


    Describe site and use characteristics, specifically:


    Site accessibility and proximity to transit infrastructure and transit times;


    Site accessibility and proximity to bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure;


    Shared and combined parking opportunities; and


    Employee or customer density and transportation practices.


    Describe and demonstrate alternative transportation strategies such as carpooling, flexible work schedules, telecommuting, or parking fees, if used;


    Demonstrate compliance with commute trip reduction measures as required by state law, if applicable;


    Identify possible negative effects on adjacent uses and mitigation strategies, if applicable; and


    For requests greater than twenty percent and up to forty percent:


    Provide the contents of a twenty percent or less request;


    Show that the site is within a one-quarter-mile walk to transit service, or that it will be within six months of occupancy to be verified by Intercity Transit.


    Administrative decisions may be appealed pursuant to Chapter 20.60.

(Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § AJ), 11-29-2016)