§ 22.50.020. Parking and loading general regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Off-street parking, loading spaces, and bicycle facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this chapter when any of the following situations occur. These provisions apply to all uses and structures in all land use districts unless otherwise specified by this chapter.


    When a principal or accessory building is erected;


    When a principal or accessory building is relocated or expanded;


    When a use is changed to one requiring more or less parking or loading spaces.


    Required Plans. Building permits shall not be issued until there is an approved site plan identifying parking and loading facilities in accordance with this chapter.


    Unlawful Removal. It is unlawful to discontinue prior approved parking facilities without establishing alternate facilities that meet the requirements of this chapter. Parking, loading, and bicycle facilities meeting the requirements of this chapter shall be maintained as long as the use they serve is in existence. These facilities shall not be reduced in total unless approved alternatives are provided in compliance with this chapter, or a change in occupancy or use of a premises has occurred which results in a reduction of required parking.


    Use of Facility. The property owner is responsible for ensuring that parking and loading facilities are only used by persons or uses for which the facilities are provided, including shared, combined, or leased parking.


    Off-Site Parking. Parking lots may be established as a separate and primary land use in zones where they are listed as permitted or special uses.


    Location. Off-street parking facilities may be provided either on site or within a one-quarter mile (one thousand three hundred twenty feet) walk of the primary entrance to the building unless otherwise specified. Off-street parking spaces shall not be allowed within yard areas except for residential off-street parking as provided in Section 22.50.030(C).


    Unlisted Uses. Any use clearly similar to any of the uses listed in Section 22.50.070 as determined by the director shall meet the requirement for such use. If a similarity of use is not apparent, the director may require a parking demand study or determine the standards that should be applied to the use in question.


    On-Street Credit—Commercial. All commercial properties located adjacent to a public right-of-way where on-street parking is permitted may receive credit for one off-street parking stall for each twenty linear feet of abutting right-of-way for parallel parking and thirteen and three-tenths linear feet of abutting right-of-way for diagonal parking, excluding curb cuts; provided, that the road and transportation services director must approve a proposal for diagonal parking within a public right-of-way. This provision shall be applied for on-street parking on the same side of the street as the proposed land use, or on the opposite side of the street if adjacent property does not have the potential for future development. All parking for employees must be provided on-site. Note: In this instance, all fractions are rounded down.

    When the number of required parking spaces or bicycle spaces for a particular use or building results in a fractional space, any fraction less than one-half shall be disregarded and any fraction of one-half or greater shall be counted as one space,

    Maintenance. It shall be the duty of the owner(s) of a required parking area to maintain the area in a safe condition and in compliance with Section 22.50.060.

    (Ord. 12032 § 45, 1999; Ord. 11669 § 4 (part), 1998)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § AJ), 11-29-2016)