§ 22.47.020. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A landscaping plan shall be prepared describing how the requirements of this chapter will be met for the following:


    Any proposed commercial or industrial development or multifamily residential development consisting of five or more dwelling units with a new building or building expansion that amounts to or exceeds either four thousand square feet or twenty-five percent or greater of the assessed valuation of the existing building within any twelve-month period.


    Any proposed residential manufactured home park consisting of five or more dwelling units on a lot or expansion that amounts to or exceeds five additional dwelling units.

    The plan shall be prepared by a licensed Washington landscape architect, Washington certified nurseryman, or Washington certified landscaper. The department shall review a proposed plan for compliance with the requirements of this chapter. The county review shall be limited to compliance with County standards. A proposed plan may consist of a mutually agreed upon alternative plan in accordance with Chapter 22.47.060. If the Director or designee believes a proposed plan does not meet the requirements of this chapter, the applicant shall be notified in writing of the findings.


    Landscaping plans shall be drawn to scale and include existing and proposed pavement and structures, irrigation, vehicular use areas, significant trees and/or landscape features and topographic elevations.


    Landscaping required pursuant to an approved site plan shall be installed or bonded for under an agreement approved by the prosecuting attorney prior to temporary occupancy, and installed before the issuance of final certificate of occupancy.


    Table 22.47 indicates requirements for perimeter buffering in specific zoning categories.


    Where perimeter landscaping is located, breaks in vegetation and/or fencing for pedestrian access and transit passenger pads may be required as determined by the department during site plan review.


    Where a particular site abuts a zoning district(s) which requires Type 2 landscaping, such landscaping shall be required in an amount which, when combined with other on-site landscaping requirements, does not exceed fifteen percent of the total site area (i.e., if other landscaping requirements exceed fifteen percent of the site area, no Type 2 landscaping is required). Type 2 landscaping may be placed on the perimeter of the site adjacent to the abutting zoning district, or in other locations on the site, subject to site plan review.




    Landscaping planted in setback areas and around the perimeter of stormwater management facilities may be applied to the required landscaping amounts consistent with these requirements.


    Natural vegetation existing prior to site development should be used toward meeting all or part of the landscaping requirements. Incorporation of native species which have food or habitat value is encouraged.


    Irrigation of landscaped areas is required, except for landscaping which incorporates native or drought-tolerant vegetation. An irrigation plan shall be submitted along with a proposed landscaping plan to the department for review and approval.


    Required landscaping shall comply with intersection sight obstruction requirements.


    Required landscaping shall incorporate trees which do not have the potential of interfering with overhead power lines.


    Landscaped areas may be used for stormwater management if the landscaping requirements of this chapter for buffering, screening, or aesthetics are satisfied.

    (Ord. 12032 § 43, 1999; Ord. 11669 § 2 (part), 1998)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § AI), 11-29-2016)