§ 22.44.155. Multiple building complexes and multiple tenant buildings.  

Latest version.
  • The following regulations shall apply to all freestanding signs located within multiple building complexes, or intended to serve multiple tenant buildings. Any wall signs for such complexes or buildings shall conform to the sign size restrictions set forth in Section 22.44.150.


    One freestanding sign for a multiple building complex or a multiple tenant building may be located within yard setback areas, provided that it is part of an overall landscaping plan and it is not determined by the county to create a sight distance hazard. Any such sign in a yard setback area may exceed the height limits set forth in Section 22.44.040, but it must conform to all other height restrictions in the underlying zone district.


    Any freestanding sign for a multiple building complex or multiple tenant building located outside yard setback areas may exceed the maximum freestanding sign size restrictions set forth in Section 22.44.150 by thirty-five percent, provided that the sign is a part of a consistent signage plan for the entire site.


    For multiple building complexes or multiple tenant buildings having more than fifty thousand square feet of floor area, monument signs not exceeding forty percent of the size of the principal freestanding sign may be located at any other site entrance intended for use by the general public. These monument signs are permitted in addition to the freestanding sign allowed in Section 22.44.155A, and shall not be included in the overall sign size computation for the development.

(Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)