§ 22.44.140. Residential zone districts.  

Latest version.
  • The following regulations shall apply to all residential zone districts (RSR, residential/sensitive resource; SFL, single-family low density residential; SFM, single-family medium density residential; MFM, multifamily medium density residential; MFH, multifamily high density residential):


    A sign not to exceed six square feet may be permitted to identify the occupant, permitted home occupation and address;


    One thirty-two-square-foot monument sign may be permitted for each street frontage to identify the name of the residential development or multiple-unit residential building of eight units or more;


    Any sign located within the front or side yard area shall comply with fence height regulations, as outlined in Chapter 22.46;


    One sign having a total of twelve square feet may be permitted to identify each nonresidential use, except home occupations which are limited by subsection A of this section; and


    In all residential zone districts, the height of any freestanding sign shall not exceed six feet.

(Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)