§ 22.43.020. Applicability.  

Latest version.
  • These design review guidelines apply throughout the unincorporated Tumwater urban growth area to: (A) commercial development within the GC and MU zoning districts; (B) multifamily residential development with more than four units and a density greater than 7.25 dwelling units per acre; and (C) additions or exterior remodels to development defined under subsections (A) and (B) of this section above when within any twelve month period additions or exterior remodels amount to twenty-five percent or greater of the assessed valuation of the existing building(s) or structure(s). For additions or exterior remodels, it is only required that the proposed improvements meet the guidelines and do not lead to further nonconformance with the guidelines. For example, if a property owner decides to increase the size of a blank wall, then the blank wall should meet the guideline standards, but screening of existing dumpsters from view is not required. Even if otherwise applying, these guidelines do not apply to remodels or alterations that do not change the exterior appearance of the building.

(Ord. 13040 Attach. D § 3, 2003; Ord. 11804 § 140 (part), 1998)