§ 22.24.050. Density regulations.  

Latest version.
  • Density regulations in the LI district are as follows:


    Site area: no minimum, except adequate space must be provided for required parking, yards and landscaping;


    Lot coverage, maximum impervious surface: eighty-five percent of the total area of the lot;


    Structure height: a maximum height of sixty-five feet; provided, however, that no structure shall penetrate imaginary airspace surfaces as defined by 14 C.F.R. Part 77;




    Front: ten feet minimum setback on all street frontages;


    Side: no minimum;


    Rear: no minimum;

    Where structures or portions of structures are adjacent to any residential zoning district, the minimum structural setback shall be twenty feet. Where structures are constructed over one story, the setback of the structure from the adjacent property lines shall be increased by ten feet for every story above the ground level story of the proposed new building and shall be completely screened from view in accordance with Chapter 22.47;


    Open Space/Park Area. For developments of ten acres or more, the minimum usable open space/park area shall be five percent of the total site. Open space/park area shall at a minimum meet the standards shown in Section 18.47.040 TCC; provided, however, a land division which includes a master plan that provides for an open space/park area meeting the intent of this provision shall be considered to have fulfilled this requirement.

    (Ord. 12761 § 80, 2002; Ord. 11804 § 136, 1998: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)

    (Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § AF), 11-29-2016)

    * See Section 22.04.670.