§ 22.18.050. Development standards.

Latest version.
  • Development standards in the NC district are as follows:


    Site Area: no minimum, except the lot shall be adequate to provide for required parking, yards, and landscaping;


    No more than eighty-five percent of the square footage of the site may be covered by buildings and parking;


    Maximum Structure Height: thirty-five feet;


    Maximum building Size (Gross Square Feet): three thousand for single use; six thousand for mixed use with residential. Combined size of all buildings on an individual lot shall not exceed ten thousand gross square feet;




    Front: The minimum setback shall be ten feet from frontage property line. The maximum setback shall be fifteen feet from the abutting right-of-way;


    Side: five feet from property line, or if on an alley located to the side, the setback shall be ten feet from the side property line;


    Rear: five feet, or if an alley is located to the rear, the setback shall be ten feet from the rear property line.

    Where structures or portions of structures are adjacent to the RSR, SFL, SFM or MFM zoning districts, and where structures are constructed over one story, the structural setback from the adjacent property line or lines shall be increased by ten feet for every story above the ground level story of the proposed new building, and shall be screened from view in accordance with Chapter 22.47;


    Pedestrian Access.


    An on-site pedestrian circulation system which links the street and the primary entrance(s) of the structure(s) shall be provided. Sidewalks or pedestrian ways must connect the required pedestrian system to existing pedestrian systems on adjacent developments if adequate safety and security can be maintained;


    Sidewalks shall be required and constructed according to the county's road development standards;


    Where the pedestrian circulation system crosses driveways, parking areas, and loading areas, it must be clearly identifiable, through the use of elevation changes, speed bumps, a different paving material, or other similar method approved by the department. Striping may be permitted only in conjunction with at least one of the preceding methods;


    Lighting for parking lots and pedestrian ways shall be provided to ensure personal safety. Lighting shall be integrated into the architectural character both in terms of illumination and fixtures. Site lighting shall be directed downward and inward or other techniques may be utilized to minimize impacts on off-site uses.

    (Ord. 12761 § 74, 2002; Ord. 12032 § 41, 1999; Ord. 11669 § 12, 1998: Ord. 11500 § 11, 1997: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)

    * See Section 22.04.670.

    Table 22.18

    Commercial Zone Districts Permitted and Special Uses

    Commercial Districts NC MU CD GC BP Applicable
    Personal and professional services or sales (no more than 3,000 square feet) P
    Personal and professional services P P P
    Retail sales P P P
    Post office, library, museum, art gallery P P P P
    Retail sales (no more than 15,000 square feet, except at discretion of director)
    Retail sales (no more than 3,000 square feet) (6:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m.) P
    Retail sales (no more than 3,000 square feet) (10:00 p.m.—6:00 a.m.) S
    Mini-storage, wholesaling, manufacturing, assembling, warehousing, storing, repairing, fabricating, or other handling of such products and equipment S S
    Wholesale business establishments, including warehousing and storage located entirely within a building but not more than fifty percent of any one building P
    Manufacturing, assembly, processing and/or fabrication activities entirely within a building and ancillary to primary office use (less than 25 percent of building) P
    Boat/marine sales S S
    Appliance equipment repair/sales P P
    Automobile service station S P P
    Gas station (4-hose in conjunction with retail sales of no more than 3,000 square feet) (6:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m.) P
    Auto repair facility S S
    Medical clinics P P S P
    Medical clinics, where primary structure has at least 30-foot setback from all property lines P
    Medical clinics, where primary structure has less than a 30-foot setback from any property line S
    Parks and open space areas P P P P P
    Recreation facilities P P P P P
    Riding academies P
    Support facilities P P P P P
    Planned unit developments P P P P P Chapter 22.36
    Offices P P P P P
    Adult family homes, residential care facilities P P P P Chapter 22.53
    Family child care home (with approval of director) P P P P Chapter 22.52
    Child mini day care center (with approval of director) P P P P P Chapter 22.52
    Group foster homes S P P P
    Existing uses, legally established prior to January 1, 1996 P P
    Recycling collection point for used motor oil P P P
    Restaurants (without drive-in windows) P
    Restaurants P P P P
    Taverns, cocktail lounges S S S
    Motels, hotels P P P
    Park and ride lots P S P P
    Commercial Districts NC MU CD GC BP Applicable Regulations
    Parking lots, parking structures S P P
    Mixed use: commercial/residential structure P P P P
    Campgrounds, recreational vehicle park P P
    Multifamily dwellings P
    Residential uses P Section 22.20.060
    High-rise residential (five stories or more) S S
    Cemeteries S
    Child day care center P P P P P Chapter 22.52
    Public and/or private schools (other than state education facilities) S S S S
    Nurseries P S P
    Parcel delivery facility
    Private clubs and lodges P P P
    Convalescent center, rest home, nursing home S S S S
    Educational institutions/services (other than state education facilities)
    State education facilities S S S
    Private educational facilities S
    Civic center complex P
    Centers for senior citizens, youth, general community and similar groups P
    Entertainment facility P P
    Churches S
    Off-premises signs S S S S
    Buildings higher than 50 feet S S
    Animal clinics S S S S
    Animal kennels S
    Transportation facilities, large scale state or regional S S S
    Transportation terminals S S
    Emergency communication towers or antennae S S S S S
    Prisons, jails and other correctional facilities S S
    Sewage treatment facilities S
    Mental health facilities S S S
    Inpatient facilities S S S
    Wireless communication facilities and other antenna support structures S S S S S Chapter 20.33
    Senior housing facilities S P Section 22.56.125


    NC = Neighborhood commercial
    MU = Mixed use
    GC = General commercial
    BP = Business park
    CD = Commercial development


    (Ord. 13058 § 24, 2003; Ord. 13040 Attach. F § 2, 2003: Ord. 12761 § 72, 2002; Ord. 11867 § 3 (part), 1998; Ord. 11500 § 12, 1997)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012)