§ 22.08.080. Screening and buffering requirements.

Latest version.
  • Buffering should be provided between this zoning district and areas in the light industrial zoning district. Buffering should be equally shared between the abutting industrial and residential developments, unless one of the uses is already developed as of the effective date of this title. If the residential use already exists, no further buffering should be required of the residential property owner. If the industrial use already exists, the residential use will be required to install buffering measures. See section 22.45.050(H) - Incompatible uses.

    (Ord. 11669 § 5, 1998: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)

    (Ord. No. 14439, § 15, 11-16-2010)

    Table 22.08

    Residential Zone Districts Permitted and Special Uses

    Residential Districts RSR SFL SFM MFM MFH Applicable
    Single-family detached dwellings P P P P
    Single-family attached dwellings (including duplexes) P P
    Duplexes on at least six thousand square feet of land area P P
    Multifamily dwellings P P
    Manufactured homes P P P P Chapter 22.48
    Mobile home parks P
    Wildlife refuges and forest preserves P
    Parks, trails, open space areas and other related recreation facilities P P P P P
    Campgrounds, recreational vehicle parks S
    Support facilities P P P P P
    Residential planned unit developments P P P P
    Accessory buildings or structures P
    Adult family homes, residential care facilities P P P P P
    Family child care home, child mini day care center (with approval of director) P P P P P
    Group foster homes S S S S S
    The housing, care and keeping of livestock P
    Agricultural operations as an accessory use P
    Agriculture P P S
    Mobile home parks existing prior to September 1, 1996 P
    Duplexes existing prior to September 1, 1996 P
    Churches S S S S S
    Cemeteries S S S S S
    Child day care center S S S S S
    Public and/or private schools S S S S S
    Neighborhood community center S S S S S
    Neighborhood oriented commercial center S S S S
    Private clubs and lodges S S S
    Medical clinic or hospital S S
    Mental health facilities S S
    Inpatient facilities S S
    Wireless communication facilities and other antenna support structures S S S S S Chapter 20.33
    Senior housing facilities S P-S Section 22.56.125


    RSR = Residential/sensitive resource
    SFL = Single-family low density
    SFM = Single-family medium density
    MFM = Multifamily medium density
    MFH = Multifamily high density


    (Ord. 13058 § 18, 2003; Ord. 12761 § 58, 2002; Ord. 11867 § 3 (part), 1998; Ord. 11500 § 2, 1997)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012)