§ 22.08.050. Density regulations.  

Latest version.
  • Density regulations in the RSR zone district are as follows:


    Site Area. All land divisions are subject to the lot size provisions of this section, provided that all land divisions must meet the following density requirements:


    Minimum: two dwelling units per acre,


    In situations where density requirements and lot size, shape, topography, or location result in a subdivision that cannot reasonably meet the density requirements, a reduction in minimum density, to the maximum reasonable density, may be granted by the director or designee. In no event may a reduction in density be granted if it would result in a use that would not be allowed as a permitted use, accessory use, or special use in the district in which the property is located.


    Maximum: four dwelling units per acre, or if a land division is subject to the clustering provisions of Section 22.08.050E or the applicable critical area protection standards of Thurston County Code (TCC) Title 24 or Chapter 17.15, the maximum density shall be no greater than one hundred twenty-five percent of the maximum density that would otherwise be allowed;


    Density Calculation. The calculation of the density requirements in Section 22.08.050A above is based on the portion of the site that contains lots devoted to residential and associated uses (e.g., dwelling units; private community clubs; stormwater detention, treatment and infiltration). The following land is excluded from density calculations:

    Section 22.08.050A and B

    Example Density Transfer Calculation No. 1

    Residential/Sensitive Resource Zone (2—4 DU/Acre)


    Section 22.08.050A and B

    Example Density Transfer Calculation No. 2

    Residential/Sensitive Resource Zone (2—4 DU/Acre)



    Land that is required to be set aside for public use as open space, right-of-way, or land on which development is prohibited by Thurston County Code Title 24, Thurston County Critical Areas Ordinance, or Chapter 17.15, Thurston County Agricultural Activities Critical Areas Ordinance and land that is to be used for private roads. Provided, that portion of open space/park areas that consists of stormwater facilities that are designed for active and/or passive recreational purposes in accordance with the Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual for Thurston County shall not be excluded from density calculations;


    Land that is intended for future phases of development created in accordance with Section 22.08.060;


    Land that consists of lots devoted to uses other than residential and associated uses, including but not limited to churches, schools and support facilities (except for stormwater detention, treatment and infiltration facilities);


    Division of Land Not on Public Sanitary Sewer. Division of land in areas without sewer must occur in a manner that maintains long term potential to achieve minimum required densities and efficient provision of sewer once sewer becomes available. For a proposed division of land not required to be served by the extension of public sewer or a community drainfield at the time of approval, a conversion plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 22.08.060 for the entire property, and the proposed land division shall be subject to the following:


    For land division of an existing lot of record created prior to October 15, 1998:


    Any division creating two lots shall not be subject to the minimum density requirements of Section 22.08.050A, provided one of the lots is at least five acres in size. A note must be included on the recorded land division that future land divisions shall meet minimum density requirements of Section 22.08.050A in each phase of development.


    Any division creating more than two lots shall meet the minimum density requirements of Section 22.08.050A in each phase of development;


    Lot Size Requirements.


    Maximum: no maximum lot size,


    Minimum: nine thousand five hundred square feet, or if a land division is subject to the clustering provisions of Section 22.08.050(E) or the applicable critical area protection standards of Thurston County Code (TCC) Title 24 or Chapter 17.15, the minimum lot size shall be seven thousand six hundred square feet,


    In the event that the minimum lot size provisions above make it impossible to achieve the minimum density permitted under Section 22.08.050A, one or more lots may be reduced in size by up to ten percent. This provision may be applied only to the minimum number of lots necessary to allow the minimum density to be achieved;


    Clustered Subdivision. Any site in this zone district may be subdivided as a clustered subdivision, subject to the following:


    The portion of the site dedicated for open space use shall be at least thirty percent of the area of the entire site,


    At least one-half of the area dedicated for open space shall be useful for passive recreational purposes,


    The area dedicated for open space shall be located so as to include environmentally sensitive areas (e.g., wetlands, riparian areas) to the maximum extent possible,


    The clustered subdivision must meet all other provisions of this chapter;


    Lots Adjacent to Critical Areas. Lots located adjacent to a critical area and/or critical area buffer shall be as large as practicable within the allowances of this section and the physical conditions of the site;


    Lot coverage, maximum impervious surface:


    The maximum impervious surface for lots smaller than one acre is forty percent of the total area of the lot or seven thousand five hundred square feet, whichever is less,


    The maximum impervious surface for lots between one acre and twenty acres in size shall be in accordance with Table 22.08.050, rounded to the nearest acre.

    Table 22.08.050
    Lot Coverage, Impervious Surface
    Acres Max Impervious Surface
    (in sq. ft.)
    1.00 9,500
    2.00 11,500
    3.00 13,500
    4.00 15,500
    5.00 18,500
    6.00 21,500
    7.00 24,500
    8.00 27,500
    9.00 30,500
    10.00 33,500
    11.00 36,500
    12.00 39,500
    13.00 42,500
    14.00 45,500
    15.00 48,500
    16.00 51,500
    17.00 54,500
    18.00 57,500
    19.00 60,500
    20.00 63,500



    The maximum impervious surface for lots larger than twenty acres in size shall be sixty-three thousand five hundred square feet plus an additional three thousand square feet for every additional acre in lot size, rounded to the nearest acre.


    Structure height: thirty-five feet, maximum;




    For lots less than nine thousand five hundred square feet in area, yards shall be as follows:


    Front: twenty feet minimum from frontage property line on streets interior to a development, twenty-five feet minimum from frontage property line on streets classified as urban collectors, minor arterials and major arterials,


    Side: seven and one-half feet from property line, minimum,


    Rear: ten feet, minimum, from rear property line; twenty-five feet minimum from rear property line abutting streets classified as urban collectors, minor arterials and major arterials.

    Exception: Storage, garden, and tool sheds two hundred square feet in area or less may be located a minimum of ten feet from the property line.


    For lots greater than or equal to nine thousand five hundred square feet in area, yards shall be as follows:


    Front: twenty feet minimum from frontage property line on streets interior to a development, twenty-five feet minimum from frontage property line on streets classified as urban collectors, minor arterials and major arterials,


    Side: ten feet from property line, minimum,


    Rear: twenty feet, minimum, from rear property line; twenty-five feet minimum from rear property line abutting streets classified as urban collectors, minor arterials and major arterials;

    Exception: Storage, garden, and tool sheds two hundred square feet in area or less may be located a minimum of ten feet from the property line.

    * See Section 22.04.670.


    Planned Unit Developments. No development in this zone district shall be permitted using the planned unit development provisions of Thurston County Code Chapter 22.36.

    (Ord. 12761 § 61, 2002; Ord. 12032 § 34, 1999; Ord. 11804 § 124, 1998: Ord. 11500 § 1, 1997: Ord. 11274 § 2 (part), 1996)

(Ord. No. 14773, § 10(Att. I), 7-24-2012; Ord. No. 14961, § 3(Att. C), 12-17-2013; Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § Z), 11-29-2016; Ord. No. 15500 , § 1.C, 8-8-2017)