Chapter 22.04. DEFINITIONS  

§ 22.04.005. Generally.
§ 22.04.010. Accessory building, structure, use.
§ 22.04.013. Accessory dwelling unit.
§ 22.04.015. Administrative official.
§ 22.04.016. Adult family home.
§ 22.04.017. Agriculture.
§ 22.04.018. Airport fueling facility.
§ 22.04.019. Alley.
§ 22.04.020. Alteration.
§ 22.04.025. Amendment.
§ 22.04.030. Animal clinic or hospital.
§ Antenna support structure.
§ 22.04.031. Antenna, WCF.
§ 22.04.033. Aquaculture.
§ 22.04.034. Automobile sales area.
§ 22.04.035. Automobile service station.
§ 22.04.040. Automobile wrecking.
§ 22.04.045. Base flood elevation.
§ 22.04.047. Battery charging station.
§ 22.04.048. Battery exchange station.
§ 22.04.050. Bio-mass conversion.
§ 22.04.051. Bio-mass facility.
§ 22.04.052. Bio-mass gasification.
§ 22.04.055. Boardinghouse.
§ 22.04.060. Buffer.
§ 22.04.065. Buildable area.
§ 22.04.070. Building.
§ 22.04.075. Building Code.
§ 22.04.080. Building coverage.
§ 22.04.085. Building height or structure height.
§ 22.04.090. Building line.
§ 22.04.095. Building site.
§ 22.04.100. Business.
§ 22.04.105. Carwash.
§ 22.04.106. Camp facility.
§ 22.04.107. Campground or recreational vehicle park.
§ 22.04.108. Caretaker dwelling.
§ 22.04.110. Cemetery.
§ Charging levels.
§ 22.04.111. Child day care center.
§ 22.04.112. Child mini-day care center.
§ 22.04.115. Church.
§ 22.04.120. Clinic.
§ 22.04.125. Club.
§ 22.04.127. Clustered subdivision.
§ 22.04.129. Co-location.
§ 22.04.135. Continuous transmissions.
§ 22.04.140. Convalescent center.
§ 22.04.143. Correctional facility.
§ 22.04.145. Corner lot.
§ 22.04.150. Crematory.
§ 22.04.155. Density.
§ 22.04.160. Detached dwelling.
§ 22.04.163. Department.
§ 22.04.165. Development.
§ 22.04.167. Reserved.
§ 22.04.170. Director.
§ 22.04.175. District.
§ 22.04.180. Duplex.
§ 22.04.185. Dwelling or dwelling unit.
§ 22.04.190. Dwelling, multiple.
§ 22.04.195. Easement.
§ 22.04.196. Electric vehicle.
§ Electric vehicle charging station.
§ Electric vehicle infrastructure.
§ Electric vehicle parking space.
§ 22.04.197. Emergency communication towers and antennas.
§ 22.04.200. Energy systems.
§ 22.04.201. Entertainment facility.
§ 22.04.202. Essential public facilities.
§ 22.04.203. Expansion.
§ 22.04.205. Family.
§ 22.04.206. Family child care home.
§ 22.04.210. Fence.
§ 22.04.215. Flood.
§ 22.04.220. Flood fringe area.
§ 22.04.225. Floodplain.
§ 22.04.230. Floodproofing.
§ 22.04.235. Floodway.
§ 22.04.236. Floor area, gross.
§ 22.04.237. Floor area ratio (FAR).
§ 22.04.240. Freestanding sign.
§ 22.04.245. Garage or carport, private.
§ 22.04.250. Garage, public.
§ 22.04.252. Generator—Hazardous waste.
§ 22.04.255. Grade.
§ 22.04.257. Grade, average finish.
§ 22.04.260. Group foster home.
§ 22.04.265. Habitable floor.
§ 22.04.267. Hazardous waste.
§ 22.04.269. Homeless encampments.
§ 22.04.270. Home occupation.
§ 22.04.273. Host agency.
§ 22.04.275. Hotel or motel.
§ 22.04.280. Household pet.
§ 22.04.282. Impervious surface.
§ 22.04.283. Inpatient facilities.
§ 22.04.285. Interior lot.
§ 22.04.286. Ionizing radiation.
§ 22.04.287. Jail.
§ 22.04.288. Junk vehicle.
§ 22.04.290. Junkyard.
§ 22.04.293. Juvenile detention facility.
§ 22.04.295. Kennel.
§ 22.04.300. Kitchen.
§ 22.04.305. Loading space.
§ 22.04.310. Lot.
§ 22.04.315. Lot area.
§ 22.04.320. Lot, corner.
§ 22.04.325. Lot coverage.
§ 22.04.330. Lot depth.
§ 22.04.335. Lot, interior.
§ 22.04.340. Lot of record.
§ 22.04.345. Lot, panhandle.
§ 22.04.350. Lot, through.
§ 22.04.355. Lot width.
§ 22.04.356. Low Impact Development.
§ 22.04.357. Lowest floor.
§ 22.04.360. Mean sea level.
§ 22.04.363. Mental health facilities.
§ 22.04.364. Mineral extraction.
§ 22.04.365. Ministorage facilities.
§ 22.04.367. Mixed use development.
§ 22.04.370. Mobile home or manufactured home.
§ 22.04.375. Mobile home or manufactured home park.
§ 22.04.380. Modular unit.
§ 22.04.385. Motel.
§ 22.04.390. Multifamily dwelling.
§ 22.04.393. Native vegetation.
§ 22.04.395. Neighborhood community center.
§ 22.04.397. Neighborhood-oriented commercial center.
§ 22.04.400. New construction.
§ 22.04.405. Nonconforming building or use.
§ 22.04.406. Non-electric vehicle.
§ 22.04.407. Nonionizing electromagnetic radiation (NIER).
§ 22.04.408. Nurseries or greenhouses.
§ 22.04.410. Nursing home.
§ 22.04.415. Obstruction (stream).
§ 22.04.417. Off-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility.
§ 22.04.418. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility.
§ 22.04.420. Open space.
§ 22.04.425. Overlay zone.
§ 22.04.430. Panhandle lot.
§ 22.04.435. Parcel.
§ 22.04.440. Parking lot.
§ 22.04.441. Parking structure.
§ 22.04.443. Park and ride facility.
§ 22.04.445. Parking space.
§ 22.04.448. Parts vehicle.
§ 22.04.449. Permeable pavement.
§ 22.04.450. Permitted use.
§ 22.04.453. Pervious surface.
§ 22.04.455. Personal service.
§ 22.04.460. Planned unit development.
§ 22.04.475. Preschool/child care facility.
§ 22.04.476. Prisons and prerelease facilities.
§ 22.04.477. Private clubs and lodges.
§ 22.04.478. Private education facility.
§ 22.04.480. Profession.
§ 22.04.485. Professional office.
§ 22.04.490. Public utility.
§ 22.04.491. Radiation machine.
§ 22.04.492. Radioactive material.
§ 22.04.493. Rapid charging station.
§ 22.04.494. Recreation, active.
§ 22.04.495. Recreation facilities.
§ 22.04.496. Recreation, passive.
§ 22.04.497. Recycling collection center.
§ 22.04.497A. Repair and maintenance.
§ 22.04.497B. Replacement or total replacement.
§ 22.04.498. Residential care facility.
§ 22.04.500. Rest home, convalescent home, or nursing home.
§ 22.04.505. Rezone.
§ 22.04.510. Riding academy.
§ 22.04.515. Roof.
§ 22.04.520. Roominghouse.
§ 22.04.525. School.
§ 22.04.530. Screening.
§ 22.04.532. Senior housing facility.
§ 22.04.533. Secure community transition facilities.
§ 22.04.535. Service station.
§ 22.04.540. Setback.
§ 22.04.542. Sewage treatment facilities.
§ 22.04.543. Sexually-oriented businesses.
§ 22.04.545. Shopping center.
§ 22.04.550. Shoreline.
§ 22.04.555. Sign.
§ 22.04.560. Single-family conversion.
§ 22.04.565. Solar energy system.
§ 22.04.566. Solid waste handling facilities.
§ 22.04.567. Source of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation.
§ 22.04.567.5. Special interest vehicle.
§ 22.04.568. Special uses.
§ 22.04.568A. Special uses.
§ 22.04.568B. Sponsoring agency.
§ 22.04.569. State education facilities.
§ 22.04.570. Story.
§ 22.04.573. Stream.
§ 22.04.575. Street.
§ 22.04.580. Structure.
§ 22.04.585. Structure, landscaping.
§ 22.04.590. Substantial improvement.
§ 22.04.595. Support facilities.
§ 22.04.597. Temporary use.
§ 22.04.600. Through lot.
§ 22.04.605. Townhouse or rowhouse.
§ 22.04.610. Tract.
§ 22.04.615. Trailer.
§ 22.04.617. Transmission tower.
§ 22.04.618. Transportation terminal.
§ 22.04.619. Transportation facilities, large scale or regional.
§ 22.04.620. Travel trailer.
§ 22.04.621. Tumwater Joint Plan.
§ 22.04.622. Tumwater urban growth area (UGA).
§ 22.04.625. Uniform Building Code.
§ 22.04.630. Unit.
§ 22.04.633. Use area.
§ 22.04.635. Use district.
§ 22.04.636. Variance.
§ 22.04.637. Wireless communication facility (WCF).
§ 22.04.638. Wireless communication facility (WCF), attached.
§ 22.04.639. Wireless communication facility (WCF), freestanding.
§ 22.04.643. Work release facility.
§ 22.04.645. Wrecking yard.
§ 22.04.646. Yard.
§ 22.04.650. Yard, front.
§ 22.04.655. Yard, rear.
§ 22.04.660. Yard, side.
§ 22.04.670. Yard determination diagram.
§ 22.04.675. Zone.
§ 22.04.680. Zoning map.