§ 21.93.020. Nonconforming lots of record.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    For a period of five years following the date of final plat approval, lots in a final plat filed for record, regardless of whether the lots are in single and separate or contiguous ownership, may be developed for uses and densities approved for the lot at the time of final plat approval. As to development regulations other than use and density, the lot must be developed pursuant to the standards contained in this title, unless the director finds that the application of a given standard would result in an extreme and unreasonable building design or configuration.


    Lots of record not subject to the exception in subsection A and which are not contiguous to other lots in the same ownership may be developed for uses and in the manner permitted by this title and amendments thereto even though the lot fails to meet lot area and width standards prescribed by this title for the lot.

    Except for contiguous lots which may be transferred pursuant to Section 18.04.040E, Thurston County Code (Subdivision Ordinance provision regarding the transfer of contiguous lots), contiguous lots in the same ownership are deemed an undivided lot for purposes of this title, and proposed uses must conform to all the requirements of this title, including lot area and width standards; provided, however, that if the contiguous lots considered as one lot nonetheless fail to meet lot area and width standards, the lot may be developed for uses and in the manner permitted by this title regardless of nonconformance with such area and width standards.

(Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)