§ 21.80.040. Preservation of significant trees.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In required landscaping areas, the applicant shall retain significant trees which will not constitute a safety hazard. Areas devoted to access and sight areas as defined in this code, and areas to be cleared for required roads, utilities, sidewalks, trails or storm drainage improvements are exempt from this requirement, provided modifications to design can be made to save significant stands of trees.


    Outside of the required landscape areas, the applicant shall be required to retain significant trees. Special attention shall be given to the preservation of the following:


    The preservation of healthy significant trees over sixty feet in height and sixteen inches in diameter measured twenty-four inches above grade;


    The preservation of significant trees that form a continuous canopy;


    The preservation of significant trees that contribute to the character of the environment, and do not constitute a safety hazard.


    To protect against blowdowns, the county encourages that areas of tall, older tree stands to be retained be at least fifty feet in width.

(Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996; Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § X), 11-29-2016)