§ 21.80.020. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A plot plan of the proposed landscaping and screening shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect, Washington-certified nurseryman, or Washington-certified landscaper and incorporated into plans submitted for preliminary plat, site plan review, administrative design review or building permit review.


    Landscaping plans. The landscaping plan shall contain the following minimum information (one inch equals twenty feet or larger):


    Existing plant material and soil to be retained;


    Proposed plant material to be placed on site. The type, size, number and spacing on plantings must be illustrated (Refer to Section 16.24.030 General Standards Required for All Development);


    Surface parking location and design (Refer to Chapter 21.72 TCC);


    Bicycle parking location and design (Refer to Chapter 21.72 TCC);


    Loading and service areas location and design (Refer to Chapter 21.80 TCC);


    Screening and buffering: general; perimeter fencing and walls; parking structures; and surface parking lots. (Refer to Chapter 21.80 TCC);


    All areas where soils are to be amended (Refer to the current Thurston County Drainage Design and Erosion Control Manual)


    Locations where plant and soil materials will be stored during construction;


    Timeline for site preparation and installation of plant materials.

    (Ord. 11499 § 26, 1997: Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)

(Ord. No. 15390, § 1(Att. A, § X), 11-29-2016)