§ 21.75.260. Removal of unlawful or nonconforming signs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any unlawful permanent type sign which has not been removed within thirty days after conviction of violation may be removed by the county and the costs charged to the violator. If removal costs have not been paid and the sign reclaimed within thirty days of its removal by the county, the county may sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of removal. Any proceeds in excess of costs of removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign.


    Signs which the department finds upon public streets, sidewalks, right-of-way or other public property or which wheresoever located present an immediate and serious danger to the public because of their unsafe condition may be immediately removed by the department without prior notice.


    Nonconforming signs which the department finds are located so as to present an immediate and serious danger to the public because of their unsafe condition may be immediately removed by the department without prior notice.


    Any unlawful temporary or portable type sign located on private property which has not been removed after twenty-four hours from notification may be removed by the county. The sign may be reclaimed by the owner after payment of the costs of removal. If the sign has not been reclaimed within thirty days of its removal by the county, the county may sell or otherwise dispose of the sign and apply the proceeds toward costs of the removal. Any proceeds in excess of costs of the removal shall be paid to the owner of the sign.


    Neither the county nor any of its agents shall be liable for any damage to the sign when removed under this section.

(Ord. 12761 § 49, 2002; Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)