§ 21.75.200. Legal nonconforming signs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Continuance. Any sign existing on the effective date of this title may be continued to be in operation and be maintained after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter and shall become a legal nonconforming sign provided:


    No such sign shall be changed in any manner that increases the noncompliance of such sign with the provision of ordinance codified in this chapter established for signs in the district in which the sign is located.


    The burden of establishing a sign to be legally nonconforming under this section rests upon the person or persons, firm or corporation claiming legal status for a sign.


    "Structural alteration" means any action that changes the height, size, or shape of the sign or any action that affects the base or support(s) of the sign. When a sign is structurally altered, it ceases to be a legal nonconforming sign and must conform with the provisions of this chapter.


    When a business or activity containing a legal nonconforming sign is enlarged or remodeled to a value of fifty percent or more of existing value of real property improvements, then such sign must be brought into conformity with this chapter.


    By Violation of the Chapter. Any violation of this chapter shall terminate immediately the right to maintain a nonconforming sign.

(Ord. 11804 § 118, 1998: Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)