§ 21.61.040. Development standards.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Density. The density of the underlying zone governs unless a density increase is granted as provided in this chapter.


    Density Increase. The county may approve an increase in the dwelling unit density of up to:


    Fifteen percent in the low density district;


    Twenty percent in the moderate density district;


    Twenty-five percent in the high density district, rounded to the nearest whole number, provided that four of the five following environmental and recreational amenities are met:


    Develop and equip significant recreational areas within the common open space with such features as, but not limited to, swimming pools, tennis courts, bike or pedestrian path systems, children's play areas,


    Substantial retention of natural ground cover, brushes and trees,


    Landscape the on-site drainage retention facility,


    Provide significant access to a lake, river, stream or other natural water body,


    Provide substantial and exceptional landscaping treatment either as an adjunct to or in natural landscaping beyond the minimum required.


    Lot Area and Width of Each Townhouse Unit. A townhouse lot shall contain a minimum area of one thousand six hundred square feet and a minimum lot and building width of twenty feet.


    Height. The maximum height of any townhouse shall not exceed that allowed in the district in which the development is located.


    Setback Variation. No more than two abutting townhouses or townhouse cluster within the townhouse project site shall have a common front building setback. Variations in the setback of front building faces shall be at least four feet.


    Right-of-Way Setback. No townhouse dwelling unit shall be located closer than twenty-five feet to any public right-of-way nor within fifteen feet of a private drive, access road or common open parking area to the front or rear of such a dwelling unit.


    Rear Yard Requirements. The minimum rear yard requirement shall be fifteen feet to the rear property line. Provided, that townhouses with a rear load may have garages within three feet of the rear lot line or paved alley.


    Private Yard Area. Every lot containing a townhouse must provide a private yard of at least three hundred square feet, oriented to either the building rear or side, enclosed visually by fences or walls at least five feet in height or plantings to screen first level views from adjacent units.


    Side Yard Requirements. The minimum side yard requirement shall be the same as the underlying zone.


    Minimum Distances Between Townhouse Groups. No portion of a townhouse, accessory structure or other building type in or related to one group or cluster of contiguous townhouses shall be nearer than ten feet to any portion of a townhouse or accessory structure of another townhouse building or cluster.


    Access. When the only driveway is from the street, each pair of units must share a common curb cut.


    Conversion. Conversion of existing structures to a townhouse project will be permitted provided all townhouse development standards as outlined in this section can be satisfied.

(Ord. 11499 § 19, 1997: Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)