§ 21.44.050. Master plan approval.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. The master plan shall consist of map(s) and text which indicate major development features and services for the entire site, including a schedule indicating phasing of development and the means of financing services for the site.


    Review. A complete master plan for the entire planned community shall be submitted within three years of conceptual approval unless an extension has been granted pursuant to Section 21.44.060. The master plan shall be reviewed by the planning commission and a recommendation submitted to the BOCC for final action. The planning commission shall not approve a master plan unless the commission has conducted a public hearing pursuant to RCW 35A.63.073 and it is determined that the plan is consistent with the conceptual approval and complies with the development policies of the development plan, the purposes of Section 21.44.010, and the provisions of this chapter. The planning commission may establish terms and conditions of approval, and require the provision, and further public review, of additional information and analyses in order to insure such compliance. In addition, the planning commission may make changes in the proposed master plan or the proposed zoning on the basis of information presented in the course of master plan review, as long as the changes are consistent with the conceptual approval and other applicable county plans and policies. Changes not consistent with county plans and policies may be made only if conceptual approval or other plans or policies are first amended accordingly.


    Board Consideration. The planning commission recommendation shall come to the board for consideration in open public meeting no sooner than ten nor longer than twenty working days from the date a decision constituting a recommendation was rendered. The board shall consider the matter based upon the written record before the planning commission, the commission's decision, and any written comments received by the city before closure of city offices on a date three days prior to the date set for consideration by the board; provided, that the board may publicly request additional specific information from the applicant, the planning commission or city or county departments; and, provided further, if the board determines that further testimony or argument other than such specific information requested is necessary prior to action by such body, the matter shall either be returned to the planning commission or a public hearing shall be scheduled before the board for the receipt of such testimony or argument.


    Board Action. The board may accept, modify or reject the commission's decision, or any findings or conclusions therein, or may remand the decision to the commission for further hearing. A decision by the board to modify, reject or remand shall be supported by findings and conclusions. The action of the board in approving or rejecting a decision of the commission shall be final and conclusive unless within thirty days from the date of such action an aggrieved party obtains a writ of certiorari from the Thurston County Superior Court for the purpose of review of the action taken.


    Form and Contents of Application for Master Plan Approval. The applicant shall submit the master plan and supplementary data including an environmental impact statement if required to the planning department. The planning department shall inform the applicant within thirty days of the date of receipt of the application of any deficiencies found in the master plan application. Accuracy for all data and information submitted on or with a master plan shall be the responsibility of the applicant. An application for master plan approval shall include:


    Textual Information.


    Name, address, zip code and telephone number of applicant,


    The names, addresses, zip codes and telephone numbers of all landowners within the subject property,


    The names and addresses of all property owners within one thousand feet of the site,


    The legal description of the subject property,


    The zoning on the subject property,


    The acreage contained within the proposed planned community; the total number of dwelling units being proposed; and the average number of dwelling units per acre of land,


    The number and acreage of each type of dwelling units proposed,


    The acreage of open space (including a separate figure for active recreation space) to be contained in the planned community and the percentage it represents of the total area,


    The total acreage of each type of nonresidential use, including the approximate floor area and type of commercial and industrial uses,


    The source of water supply, including the specific type of facilities involved, their capacities and the estimated timing of completion of these facilities,


    The method of sewage disposal, to include the name of sewer operator, if any, including the specific type of facilities involved, their capacities and the estimated timing of completion of these facilities,


    A plan for hazardous waste control if appropriate, including the specific type of facilities involved, their capacities and the estimated timing of completion of these facilities,


    Applicable school district(s), fire district(s) or department(s), and other special purpose districts,


    The means by which the proposed planned community meets the objectives of Section 21.44.010,


    A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the planned community or stages of the planned community can be expected to begin and be completed, including the approximate size in acres of each phase, and the proposed phasing of construction of public improvements and recreational and common open space areas,


    The proposed means of financing and allocation of responsibility for providing the utilities and services required as a result of the development, including off-site facilities and improvements. These utilities and services shall include, but not be limited to, water, sewer, streets and highways, schools, fire protection, parks, stormwater control, and disposal of wastes, including toxic wastes (if any),


    When no environmental impact statement is provided, identify major anticipated adverse environmental impacts and specify mitigating measures, including off-site improvements,


    Enough information on land areas adjacent to the proposed planned community to indicate the relationships between the proposed development and that which is existing and proposed in adjacent areas, including land uses, existing structures, ownership, tracts, streets and unique natural features of the landscape,


    The means of meeting any other requirements imposed as a condition of conceptual approval of the planned community;


    Master Plan Map and Supporting Maps. A master plan map and any maps necessary to show the major details of the proposed planned community must contain the following minimum information at an appropriate scale as determined by the planning department:


    The boundary lines of the subject property, scale and north arrow,


    Existing site conditions including water courses, wetland area, flood plains, unique natural features, forest cover, and elevation contours of appropriate intervals to indicate the topography of the entire tract for a reasonable distance beyond the boundaries of the proposed development to include adjacent or nearby lands where project impacts are relevant,


    Location and nature of each land use, including type and density of dwelling units, and type of commercial, industrial and other uses,


    Approximate location of existing and proposed arterial and collector streets and major pedestrian and bicycle routes,


    The approximate location and size of all areas to be conveyed, dedicated or reserved as common open spaces, public parks, recreational areas, school sites, fire stations, and similar public and semipublic uses,


    Master drainage plan, including stormwater control,


    Development phasing,


    Open space network,


    Existing and proposed sanitary sewers and water lines,


    Enough information on land areas adjacent to the proposed planned community to indicate the relationships between the proposed development and that which is existing and proposed in adjacent areas, including land uses, existing structures, ownership tracts, streets and unique natural features of the landscape,


    Any additional information as required by the review authority necessary to evaluate the character and impact of the proposed planned community (e.g., soils, geology, hydrology or groundwater).

(Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)