§ 21.43.040. Relationship to other ordinance provisions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Zoning Requirements. The provisions of the zoning ordinance pertaining to land use of the underlying zoning district shall govern the use of land in a planned industrial development. The specific setback, lot size, height limits, lot coverage and other dimensional requirements are waived, and the regulations for PIDs shall be those indicated in Section 21.43.050.


    Platting Requirements. A PID shall be exempt from the specific design requirements of the subdivision ordinance, except that when any parcel of land in a PID is intended for individual ownership, sale or public dedication, the platting and procedural requirements of the subdivision ordinance and applicable state laws pertaining to the subdivision and conveyancing of land and the preparation of maps shall be followed.


    Public Hearing Required. Preliminary applications for PID of twenty acres or more shall require a public hearing before the hearing examiner with notice thereof to be given as provided in Chapter 21.81.040C.

(Ord. 11274 § 1 (part), 1996)